Chapter 10 - The Angel & The Witch

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So here's chapter 10 I believe?? So um enjoy. A little new surprises this time. Hope you guys like it.

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

Chapter 10 - The Angel & The Witch

Unknown P.O.V

I smirked down at the two beautiful girls in front of me. Ever since I met both of them they have fought for my attention. To keep them working together and hating each other, I entertained both of them.

"Sweetheart! We did what you asked!" The older one stated. "Shut up! I'm the one who did most of the work so I should be getting all his love and affection!" The younger one argued. "Ladies!" I interrupted. "You know I love you both. So once I take out the angel and the witch. You two will become the most powerful beings in the world, besides me of course." I told each of them, giving them a kiss.

"But I love you more than her!" I smiled. They were so stupid. Can't they tell I'm using them to get rid of the gorgeous Princess Katherine? "Yet I love both of you equally." I said. I cupped each of their cheeks. "Limitless." I ended. "Awe!" They cooed. "Well I must go work on the plan for a bit. Why don't you two go and wait in the room for me?" I told the two. "Alright. Love you!" I smirked then walked away.

I'm coming Princess Katherine. Get ready.

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

Katherine Blake's P.O.V

"Alright boys, Paris, Roxy, and Bo. Pack your things!" I said as we walked into the beach house. I invited Bo to stay for today then next weekend. "Where we going babe?" Zayn asked in his adorable accent. "Amber and Ember has found someone I've been looking for. Someone I need." I said. Zayn frowned. "Not as much as I need you." I added. He smirked then kissed me.

"Enough with you and your happiness! There are single people here too!" Paris joked. We all laughed. We stopped after some time. "But Katherine, where are we going?" Bo asked me. "We, Bo, are going to Paris, France." I say. "Really?!" Harry asked. "Yeah. Birthplace of Paris." Roxy said pointing to Paris. She blushed but smirked. "Yup. It's beautiful. Just not as great as me." She joked.

"But why am I going?" Bo asked me. "Being part of the group means being part of group trips." I said smoothly. "Thank you!" She grinned. "No problem. Now go home! I can tell your parents are worried." I said. "Yeah. Bye guys!" She waved goodbye walking out.

"I need rest. Harry let's go." Roxy yawned. "Bye guys!" Harry's said walking behind Roxy. "Some bodies whipped!" Zayn smirked. I raised an eyebrow. "Zayn get me some water." I ordered. "Right away babe." He ran into the kitchen then came back with a glass of water. "Who's whipped now!" Liam smirked. Zayn blushed but held onto me anyway. "Yup." He said smiling down at me.

"We should all get some sleep. I want to have as much energy as possible for next week." Paris said. We all agreed and went upstairs to go to bed.

"So why do you need Bo?" Zayn asked once we got our room. "What do you mean?" I lied. "Oh don't play that card. You're my beloved. I know you. And over these passed weeks, I've found out that everything you do is for a reason." He stated. I smirked. It warms my heart to know he knows me so well.

"Also that you're an incredible liar." That is true. I lie a lot. "I saw you. Lied straight to Bo's face." He frowned. Why did he care?

"Why do you care?! I'm your beloved! Not her!" I growled. "That's not what I meant! I'm just worried that you'll hurt her. Aren't angels sensitive or something?" He argued. "I'm protecting her! If she was put in the wrong hands . . . all of us would die. Including me!" I glared at him.

How dare he think I would hurt someone as unique as Bo. I'm trying to keep her safe. Her angel side hasn't awoken yet so she can't protect herself. It just gets worse because she can barely even use her vampire side.

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