Chapter 8 - Beloved Problems and Clubs

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Well here is chapter 8!! Did you guys see this coming. Them going to school I mean? Remember I will be writing Liam meeting his beloved soon!!

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

Chapter 8 - Beloved Problems and Clubs

Kathrine Blake's P.O.V

I woke up to Zayn looking around my room. Shirtless. I sat up and stretched. "What are you looking for?" I asked him. "My T-shirt my sweet beloved." I smiled. That is so cute! "Will you be calling me that often?" I asked getting out of bed. "Maybe." He said picking up his shirt. I walked into the bathroom but Zayn stopped me.

"Are you taking a shower?" He asked. "Yeah. . ." I trailed out. "Can I join?" He smirked. I blushed and glared at him. "We may be beloveds but we are so not at that stage yet." I told him. He frowned yet didn't say anything. "I'm sorry Zayn. But you don't understand. If we see each other, you know, we wouldn't be able to control ourselves. If we did 'it' than we'd have to be married within the same week and be crowned king and queen." I told him. He stayed silent. "It's way to soon for all of that." I say again.

"Yeah." He said. "Yup! So if you don't mind I will be in the shower." I said walking to my bathroom. Before I went in I stopped. "Stay here! Once I'm done I'm gonna get my drink I was promised yesterday." I smirked. "Alright babe." He planted a light kiss on my lips. I pulled away from him then went into they bathroom.

When I was done with my shower, I dressed in black leather jeans, a red halter top, and knee high boots. I came out to see a shirtless Zayn. "W-what happened to your shirt?" I asked biting my lip. He smirked and stood up. "I saw a stain on the other one." He explained. "Couldn't you find another one?" It's that I don't love his shirtlessness, because I really really do. But he's making this really difficult to resist the urge to take him right here.

"No." He said. He walked closer and tilted his head to the side. "Here's that drink." I growled flashed over to him. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer so body crashed into him. My mouth latched onto his neck. He growled and pulled me even closer. I extended my fangs and sank them into his neck.

Even if he isn't human anymore I can still drink his blood. A vampire can drink his or her mated blood to suppress the need for human blood. Plus it taste better than anything. But it won't really keep a vampire alive.

I bit harder and more blood gushed out. He groaned and wound his fingers in my straight hair pulling me closer to his neck. I smriked a bit then trailed my nails down his chest and six pack, until I felt the waistline of his jeans. I stopped and pulled my hand off him. "Tease." He whispered. I laughed and pulled away from him. But not before licking my temporary bite mark on his.

He glared at me but there was still lust in his eyes. Yet I also noticed the red in his eyes were becoming more noticeable. "You need blood." I stated. "As in your blood?" He asked. "No . . . human blood." I said. He swallowed. "Will I have to kill?" I shrugged. "I don't care." I said. His eyes widened. "How could you not care?!" I leaned in closer to him so our noses were touching. "Did you not witness me tear that man to shreds in the woods?" I backed up from him.

"But that's different. I'm talking about killing an innocent person!" He said throwing his hands in the air. "No one is ever innocent Zayn! Everyone has guilt, everyone has lied, everyone has dirty little secrets." I declared. His eyes widened at my tone. I have had troubles in the past. I one thought the same thing. I would be killing innocent people. But then I realized. No one is innocent. There is no good. Even if there is, people still lie, they still hurt others. So I need to make him realize this as well. If he doesn't feed then he could die.

"You don't know that!" He said. "Oh yes I do! I've traveled this world several times." I stated. "Then since you don't care about death . . . would you have killed us?" I raised an eyebrow. "You know if I wasn't your beloved." He said. "Yes. If I saw you I could have easily killed all of you." I told him. "How can you live like this? Being a monster!" He yelled. Tears sprang to my eyes. He thinks I'm a monster! I looked away from him so he would see they stray tear that had fallen.

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