Chapter 15 - It Was Supposed to Be Good

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Well here is chap. 15. I hope you guys like this one. First 10 people to comment the following will be considered being in my book. I'm not saying you will be in it, you will be more likely to be in it than others. One comment per person. Comment the following::


Remember first 10!!!!

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

Katherine Blake's P.O.V

"Kat! Wake up!" Zayn whispered. "What?!" I groaned. "We're going on a vacation." He said. "Why?" I asked him sitting up. "Why?! Are you kidding?" He asked. I only stared which made him sigh. "I'm letting it go that you won't tell my why you passed out a few hours ago, but I want you to get away from all this." He stated.

"I'm perfectly fine." I said standing. I almost fell. If not for my sweet beloved, I would be on my face. "See, we're going away and relaxing." He declared. "No. I feel like we should stay. I have this weird nagging feeling that something's wrong." I tell him.

Its true. It feels like someone's in trouble. Yet . . . I can't place my finger on it. I wish Kaitlin couldn't just see the future.

"What's wrong is you not wanting to have a relaxation day, or well weekend." He said. I rolled my eyes. Why would I want to go. There is too much going on right now. "No, someone is after us, I need to say and protect you all." I tell him.

"Katherine have you forgotten?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "We are vampires for a reason. We are here to protect you. And . . . we all think this is good for you." He said with a smile. "Why?" I asked. "This is too much stress on you. You need to let loose and have a bit of fun. I don't need my future wife having wrinkles before she's 30." I blushed a deep red.

"Fine, but I want everyone else coming." I declared. "Oh no! Everyone already has their own plans." He says. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well Harry and Roxy wanted to go to France, Bo and Niall want to go to Italy, Chelsea and Liam want to go see Rio, and Paris and Louis want to go to Bollywood." He states.

I guess it would be fine if they're together? No! We need to stay together, there is strength in numbers! Ugh! I agree that we need this, but with some crazy guy after us, its better to be together. Wait.

"Where would we be going?" I asked Zayn. "That my beloved is a secret." He smirked. I glared at him. "So . . . is there a yes?" He asks. It does sound nice, have a day off.

"Fine, but we need to leave right away. I'll call the pilot to my private jet." I heard a series of 'yes' outside the door. "Get packing idiots!" I yelled. They laughed at left.

"Really?" I asked Zayn. "We knew you wouldn't be able to resist my sexy charm!" He smirked. I pushed him on the floor. He fell flat on his butt. "Whatever, looks like your butt can't resist the floor." I giggled then ran into the bathroom.

I heard him laugh then say, "I'll get you back Katherine Blake!" I just shook my head. I stripped down then got into the shower. Once the water hit me, I got the bad feeling again.

Calm down Katherine, everything is fine. Everyone is safe, nobody's hurt. I just need to focus on relaxing on this vacation. Not some crazy person who thinks they can just take me. It's even crazier that he thinks he can go against Kaitlin's power.

'Our power.' I heard her voice say. 'Yeah I know.' I tell her. 'I can feel it.' She stated. 'Feel what?' I asked back. 'That uneasy feeling you keep getting.' She explained. 'Do you know why?' I asked. 'Child, I can read your thoughts not your feelings. But I can tell you this, try to keep up a slight guard. You can never be too safe.' She stated. 'Alright, I need to finish my shower.' I tell her. I could feel her mentally nod then leave.

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