Eli - U-Kiss

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Y/N is so ugly! Eli could do better!

Eww, she's so gross, why is Eli with her?!

Y/N, do us all a favor and disappear! Eli is obviously only with you because he feel sorry for you.

I was sitting on my floor, tears running down my face as I read all the hate I was receiving.

Eli and I had been dating since before his debut with U-Kiss but we barely decided to go public with our relationship. The fans already knew who I was because I'm almost always with the boys. So, of course I would get an occasional hate comment but this . . . this was overwhelming.

"They're right, he deserves someone better." I buried my face in my knees, feeling my heart break. Trying to decide what I should do.

-Letter to Eli-
My Love. Please always remember that I love you.
Y/N ♡

I felt completely ruined by the time I finished writing the small letter. I got up off the floor and decided to go to the boy's dorm and leave the letter there for him. I was safe knowing I wouldn't run into him because he was at practice.

The security let me in with a smile and all I could do was a small head bow, I was trying to hide my puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry, Eli. I love you." I taped the letter to the door and ran away. I had to go home quick and pack a small bag because I knew he would come looking for me. I kept breaking myself more and more.

* One Year Later *

Busan. It's been my home for the past year. I haven't gone back to Seoul in fear of Eli finding me. I haven't talked to him since the day I left and . . . I miss him terribly. I've kept in touch with the guys and they all tell me that Eli is heartbroken and misses me and I . . . I feel terrible.

I was having one of those days and decided to go to the beach and visit my friend's cafe. Once I got there, I wasn't expecting the people inside.

"Y/N!" Hoon and Kiseop had seen me and I was quickly sandwiched between two fit guys. "We've missed you!"

"I've missed you too!" My eyes were tearing up, being reunited with my friends felt great.

We began talking and catching up when things get quiet, too quiet.

"Hey!" Hoon and Kiseop grabbed me and began carrying me out! "Put me down you two!" I was gently smacking their arms but they wouldn't listen.

"Kiseop, do you hear someone talking?"

"No, Hoon. Do you?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I knew I wasn't going to win so I gave up and laughed. I missed this.

Soon enough we began talking and laughing and before I realized we were walking into a hotel room full of familiar faces.

I was still in Hoon and Kiseop's arms so I cleared my throat and they got the message. I went one by one to each guy and gave them a hug. Kevin. Dongho. AJ. Hoon and Kiseop got in line despite the fact we were together for the past hour! Then Soohyun got to me and gave me a tight, brotherly hug. He was the closest to me besides Eli, we had a brother-sister relationship. Lastly, Eli was the last person I walked up to.

"H-Hi . . ." I couldn't look him in the eyes after seeing how coldly he was looking at me.

"I unders- woah!" Eli had grabbed my wrist and began pulling me out of the room and out of the building.

"Explain!" We were now standing under the hotel gazebo, and Eli was staring at me with desperate eyes. His hand had a firm but gentle grip on my wrist, he wasn't letting go.

"I'm sorry, you deserve better! Th-the fans were all right, I don't deserve you, Eli. You deserve someone pretty who could look great by your side and make you happy. I'm just a Plain Jane." My head was hanging down, tears falling down my eyes. I was afraid to look up at the man I love. Afraid he'd laugh in my face and tell me everything I've feared.

"Idiot." He pulled me tightly to his chest and grabbed my chin so I would face him and in a split second his lips were on mine. Oh those lips!

The tears kept falling down my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him tighter to me. I never wanted to let this man go, I love him so much buuut . . .

"Why didn't you talk to me? We were always open about everything . . . you didn't have to leave me the way you did! Do you know how much pain I felt?" I never thought I'd see Eli cry, but he broke. His body was shaking as he held me tightly, crying against my neck. "Don't leave me again, I can't be without you."

"But your fans, they-" My voice cracked, I don't think I could handle the hate again.

"Y/N, we'll find a way to make it work, I promise! Just please, don't leave me again." He was looking down at me, tears falling down his face, it pained me seeing him like this and knowing I was the cause.

I cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears. Then I gently ran my fingers across his lips and smiled. "I love you!" I smiled at him before tip-toeing up and smashing my lips against his.

"Woo! Y/N is back!" The guys had been watching everything! I blushed and hid my face against Eli's chest as he soothingly rubbed my back.

So, the rest of the night was spent celebrating my return and Eli announcing our relationship on his Twitter and defending me right away. Thankfully, the positivity outweighed the negativity this time ♡.

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