Park JoonHyung - g.o.d

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*T/N = Their Name*

I was currently at Incheon Airport waiting for my best friend to arrive! It's been about 4 years since we were last physically together and I missed him/her. (*I'm putting 'him/her' because personally my best friend is a guy~)

I had gotten a little distracted with a text from Joon that I stopped paying attention at all those arriving.

"Ahh!" I was so into my phone that I didn't see the person creeping towards me and wrap me up in a tight hug. Once I saw who the person was I screamed again but in excitement!

"T/N!" "Y/N!" We screamed each other's names at the same time as we lunged at each other and with no shame fell to the floor where we continued our hug.

Once we stood up and dusted ourselves off my head snapped everywhere, searching for the papz. Being an idol's girlfriend can mean being followed 24/7 but today I was thankful there were none in sight.

Soon enough we were walking out and heading towards the front entrance where a van was waiting for us. Luckily there were no papz inside, but around the van was something different.

"Sorry! I should've prepped you before getting closer!" I told him/her to pull his/her hoodie up and I gave him/her my glasses. I just pulled my hoodie up and put on my mouth mask. Finally, I pull out my phone and call Joon's driver and let him know we were ready to get on.

"Come on." I smile at my friend, well with my eyes since he/she can't see my lips, and head out the doors and we're immediately surrounded.

"Come on, step back, let them through!" Our driver quickly reached us and helped with the luggage and got us in quickly.

"감사하니다 오빠~" I smile at him and he smiles back before asking where we're headed, I give him the address of the hotel where my best friend will be staying and he heads off.

Suddenly my ringtone, 'Somethin Kinda Crazy' by Red Velvet, started playing. I smile at the screen.

"Hey, Babe~" it was Joon calling.

"Hey, I see you're finally with T/N, did the papz cause any trouble?" The pictures must be circling the media already.

"No, JaeMin oppa got us in the car right away. We're currently on our way to the hotel to chill for a bit and then we're heading out so I can show T/N around a bit." As I finish talking I hear Joon's brothers, his band mates, telling him to hurry up causing me to laugh.

"I'll let you go babe, focus on your work. 파이팅!"

"네~ 사랑해~"

"Love you too~" I say before finally hanging up. I look at T/N and see a big ol' grin plastered on their face.

"Whaaat?~" I whine, but feel my face heat up, a sure sign that I was blushing.

"How are you two not married yet? You've been together for six years, through thick and thin, and everyone can tell you two are head over heels for each other. Why haven't I heard news about a wedding yet?" T/N began bombarding me with questions after that and by the time we got to the hotel everything had been answered.

"안녕 오빠~" I waved goodbye to our driver, he helped us with the luggage all the way up to T/N's room where I let him/her relax for a while before heading out.

"So, what would you like to do first?" We walked out papz-ready, and we did encounter some who took pictures but they didn't follow. There must be other important people here too.

"Well I'm really hungry. I want to try street food!" As if on cue both of our stomachs made dying whale sounds and we busted out laughing. We walked to a stall and I ordered a variety of things. Tteokbokki, Sundae, Hodeok, Fish Sticks. The ahjumma even gave us a little more since we were buying a lot.

"감사합니다~" My friend and I thanked the ahjumma and we walked to a nearby park and started unpacking all our foods.

We were deep into conversation and trying all our foods when all of a sudden someone comes up behind me and covers my eyes. I completely tensed up my body as the person lifted me up, sat down, and placed me on their lap. Thankfully, I got a whiff of that delicious cologne and knew who it was.

"JoonHyung~" I smiled as I pecked his cheek, and then smacked his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!" We all laugh as he sets me down beside him and gets up. "T/N!"

"Joon!" They did a bro-hug and ended with Joon's signature "BAM!"

"How'd you know we would be here?" Joon sat beside me and I fed him a piece of tteokbokki. To give me an answer he pulled out his phone and showed me an article with a picture of T/N and I eating here.

"Those papz don't play around!" T/N said while laughing. "I don't know if I could handle that every day." He looked at us in awe, which caused us to laugh.

"Well, I gotta go, babe. The guys are waiting for me." He kissed my head and got up, pulling out his wallet.

"Babe, I have money, ke-"

"I know you do, but this is my treat. Enjoy!" He waved to us as he turned around and left.

"I can't handle you two! Hearts are flying everywhere!" T/N flicked a piece of hodeok towards me which caused a fit of laughter.

"I'm sooo glad you're here!" I smile at my best friend looking forward to the following weeks.


"안녕하세요 g.o.d 입니다!" It was their last concert ever, the group was disbanding. I was currently in the VIP section with T/N by my side.

"Before ending the show, I'd like to ask a very special person to join me on stage. Y/N!" I went wide-eyed, why does he want me on stage?!

"Go!" T/N squealed as they pulled me up and towards the stage.

I walked towards the guys and was handed a mic, I turned towards the audience and bowed, "안녕~" I said shyly.

"As you all know, Y/N, has been a big part of my life for the past 6 years. She's become a big part of g.o.d too, she's special to all of us. And I don't know why it's taken me so long to do what I'm about to do-" I turned to Joon, confused about his words, but he was no longer standing beside me. He was on one knee and holding up a beautiful ring! "Y/N, will you marry me?" The stadium was filled with happy-surprised screams!

"JoonHyung . . . Y-yes, YES!" I dropped down and hugged him tightly, tears falling down my face.

"사랑해요." He was looking into my eyes and I could clearly see the love.

"사랑해요." I momentarily forgot where we were and kissed him, holding him tighter as he kissed me back.

"She said yes!" All the members of g.o.d cheered, causing us to pull apart and me to hide into Joon's chest while I blushed.

And that was the end to my suprise~

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