Heechul - Super Junior

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"Hurry up, World Superstar!" I had been waiting on this man for the past two hours. But that's expected of Heechul 오빠  (oppa).

"You can't rush perfection, Y/N!" He finally walked out of his mall, I mean closet, fully dressed and ready to go. "How do I look?"

"Great, as always 오빠 but, did you do that on purpose?" I looked at his outfit and then mine, they were almost identical. This could cause misunderstandings, it looked like we were in couple fashion.

"Yes, I did it on purpose. I want to see what the media would think of us as a couple. Now come on, we're almost late for our reservation!" He grabbed my hand  and we left his apartment and into his company van.

"안녕 준 오빠! (Hello Joon oppa!)" I greeted the driver as Heechul and I sat beside each other. "So, what are we doing today?" I twisted my body so I could face Heechul as I waited for today's plans. It was all a surprise to me because he called me late last night to be at his place at a certain time.

"I made reservations with my stylist so we can get makeovers, then we're going out to eat, and then we'll do whatever you want. Sound okay?" He had a leg crossed over, one arm casually placed on top, while his free hand was propped up on the seat and carefully twirling a strand of my hair.

"Sounds great, I've been wanting to change my hair! I'm bored of it being just black~" Then to pass the time since there was some traffic, Heechul and I began helping each other on choosing something new.

"I think a nice cherry red would look great on you, Y/N. What do you think?" I tried picturing myself and I can definitely see it, I've been wanting to do that for a while, my decision was made.

"Well, since you wanted couple fashion today . . . why don't we bring back Cherry Oppa?" He looked really good during his We Got Married days with his red hair.

He stayed silent for a while . . .

"Y/N, would you ever be my girlfriend?" He asked so suddenly I didn't have an answer right away. He wasn't even looking at me, he was staring out the window. I could see his reflection, a serious face with unfocused eyes.

"Where's this coming from, Hee?" We met way before his trainee days and we've always treated each other like best friends. He stays at my place, I stay at his place, we've met our families and consider ourselves family. But, on my part I've always felt like it was a one-sided love.

"You know, everyone thinks I'm homosexual because I care about how I look and . . . I'm not. Of course I care about how I look because if I don't it'll give me a bad light with the media. Sometimes, I think you don't see me as a man and . . . and I don't know what to feel anymore because- Never mind . . . Forget I've said anything." I was about to ask him to be clear with me, he knows how I hate it when people drop a conversation.

"We've arrived~" We thanked the driver and started walking towards the salon. Heechul was way ahead of me, he seemed upset. I hate it when he's upset.

"오빠~" I ran to his side and slipped my hand in his, lacing our fingers. I stood in place, causing him to stop as well. "I would be your girlfriend . . . if you asked me." I smile confidently at him before walking in and leaving a dumbstruck Heechul there.


"언니 (Eonni), you were definitely a challenge but I'm proud to show you the results!" My stylist handed me a mirror and I squealed with excitement, my hair was Cherry Red!

"와! 고마워요! (Wow! Thank you!)" I hugged the girl and got up to search for Heechul.

"-she can be so irritating and annoying. Sometimes I just want to ignore her but she's always there with me." Heechul sighed with annoyance as he finished talking.

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