Chanyeol - EXO

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"I'm sooo lost~" I recently graduated high school and moved to Seoul, South Korea to attend Ewha Women's University. Since shool was still about a month away, my parents told me to choose where I would like to stay. An apartment studio, a hotel, or a hostel. I picked a hostel because that way I could meet people and get help from everyone.

I had decided that I would go exploring on my own today. Maybe visit a palace, a museum, or just walk around a neighborhood. I had left the hostel at 12pm and the time was now 6pm. I had been lost for the past 2 hours. I had made so many mistakes like not making sure my phone was fully charged, leaving my phrase book, and forgetting the hostel address card so I could take a taxi back.

"Just relax, Y/N. You'll find your way back . . . eventually~" I started freaking out the minute I realized I was lost but I had been giving myself words of encouragement.

"I haven't had anything since that bagel I had in the morning." My stomach had been grumbling for a while but I couldn't decide on what I wanted to eat.

"Hmm, I think there's a market up ahead..." I walked closer and it was definitely a market, where the entrance was full of food stalls.

I began to aimlessly walk around the different food stalls, not really paying attention. When all of a sudden I was pushed with a force that caused me to fall hard to the floor.

"오모! 미안해요! (Omo! I'm sorry!)" The voice belonged to a man, a very good-looking man who was stretching their hand towards me offering to help me up.

"I-it's okay, 난 괜찮아 (I'm okay)~" I actually wasn't completely alright, I had a cut on my hand and it was bleeding.

"I'm really sorry!" He noticed my hand and quickly asked an ahjumma from the food stall next to us for napkins. I watched as he carefully wiped the excess blood and wrapped it gently. "And I'm really sorry for this~" He grabbed my good hand and began pulling me away.

It was at that moment that I heard one name repeatedly, Chanyeol. Now, I wasn't new to kpop, I liked a lot of groups but I didn't know all the members names nor am I able to pinpoint a name to a face. But I did know that Chanyeol was a member of EXO.

We were quickly running out of the market and the guy was looking everywhere, probably for a place to hide.

"What's going on?!" I scream at him while we run past several people, eyeing us weirdly.

"I'll explain in a bit!" He looked back at me, probably to make sure I was okay.

The screams hadn't stopped yet, I decided to look back and that's when I noticed a large group of girls running after us! Oh my God!

"What do we do?" I asked more myself but the guy began shouting ideas. Thankfully I started recognizing the place and realize my hostel was half a block away.

"I have an idea!" I began to run faster so that I was the one pulling him, and soon enough I made a sharp left into my hostel.

"Hi, Soohyun!" I greeted the girl at the front desk and we ran up the steps to my room. I opened the door and he shut it behind him, I ran to the large windows and motioned him over. We saw the girls checking all the places in the area. We began panicking when 5 girls ran into the hostel but I heard Soohyun telling them to leave, that no one has entered in the past hour.

"I'm gonna call Soohyun and ask her if the girls are gone." I plop down on the floor and grab the hostel phone and press 7, the front desk numbet.

"여보세요? (Hello?)"

"Soohyun! It's Y/N, are the girls gone?" She quickly tells me that there are still some girls checking everywhere, but she'd call me once everything was clear.

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