Chapter 7

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*The night before*

Gail's POV

After the attack of the jealous boyfriend came, Niall picked me up and carried me up the stairs. Still shirtless, I might add. I'm not insecure about my stomach (thanks, random urges to be athletic!) but I'm insecure about my boobs. And Niall's "subtle" glances weren't exactly subtle.

When we got back to our room, Niall closed the door behind us and put me down. He pinned me against the wall and we made out for a while, somehow ending up on the bed, when someone started throwing condoms at us. Yes. Condoms.

Guess who the condom-thrower turned out to be? My dear friend Louis.

"Lewis! You ugly bastard!" I yelled at him, purposefully butchering his name while he laughed from the doorway.

"You should lock your door. And don't call me Lewis."

"Well, Lewis, I shall forever call you that whenever you piss me off."

"Whatever peasant. Use protection!" he said walking out.

He had barely left the room when I began plotting my revenge.

"I see that you have your 'making evil plans' face on."

"Yes. Yes I do. Do you know anything mortifying about Louis that I could use to embarass or potentially blackmail him?"

"Let's not blackmail my friend.... But you could put dye in his showerhead so his skin will change color." he suggested.

"Niall thats brilliant! Under all that cute snowflake-ness, there is some evilness. There is still hope for you!" Honestly, it was a great plan. Louis would definitely be less sassy with blue skin.

*The next day*

I woke up early the next morning for Operation Blouis. Pronounced like Louis, except with a b in front so it combined blue and Louis. It came to me in a moment of genius.

I tiptoed down the hallway with a few bottels of blue dye and an unscrewer thingie. Tiptoeing wasnt necessary, but it felt cool and secret angent-y. *cue Perry the Platypus theme song*

I quietly opened the door to Louis's room, thanking whoever controlled door creakiness, and saw something I was not prepared to see. It was Louis, but he had a facial mask on. The green kind that girls get at spas. Along with, of course, the cucumbers on the eyes. The best part was that his head was on a pink velvety pillow monogrammed with his name. It was like the gods of blackmail were offering it to me on a silver platter. I took out my phone and took a picture. Or two. More like turdy seven.

After I was done taking pictures, I continued on with the plan. I snuck past his bed into his bathroom, and unscrewed the showerhead and put the dye in it, following the YouTube tutorial that I had watched.

I went back to sleep for a bit, and woke up when there was no way I could possibly survive without breakfast.I had just sat down next to Isabel with my plate of waffles, when my dear friend Louis showed up. He was wearing sweats with socks and hoodie hiding most of his face so you could barely notice the blue if you didnt look closely. Also, it was morning and already 80 degrees, so there was no way he was going to spend the day bundled up.

"The sky is quite blue today, huh Louis." I commented, with emphasis on blue.

He turned to glare at me. "You. It was you. I knew it."

"I've got no idea what you're talking about." I said, trying to ignore the urge to smile. "Its a bit warm for that hoodie, don't you think?" I continued.

Isabel looked a bit confused, while Niall, being his awkwardly adorable self twiddled his thumbs. Way to be unsuspicious, Niall!

Louis at his cereal with his head down, but I could see that the visible part of his face was even brighter blue then I expected. I got up, like I was going to get something else to eat, casually walking by Louis, then quickly pulling his hood off.

Isabel snorted (way to be attractive) and started laughing, while Niall tried unsuccessfully to keep a straight face. At that moment, Liam and Zayn walked in. Liam looked at Louis and blinked, looking rather surprised but amused, and Zayn just laughed.

"You want some blueberry pancakes Lou?" I asked. By then, Niall had given on trying not to laugh. Louis looked like a smurf.

"I will get you back, Gail." Louis warned. I just laughed.

Hmm.... better put a lock on everything I own.

After that, me and Niall spent the afternoon playing random video games on the X-box in our room. He sat on the floor, and I sat between his legs with my back against his chest so I could feel his heartbeat. Every time I beat him, which was around 500 percent of the time, I could hear him mutter curses, his Irish accent thick and sexy. Finally, he gave up and wrapped his arms around me, pinning my arms to my chest so he could win the game.

"Yes! I win. I'm better then you at this game." Niall said happily, sticking his tongue out at me.

"But you cheated though, so I win. You lost." 

"Are you sure about that?" he replied, picking me up bridal style before I could react and he carried me out of the room and downstairs an towards the back door. By then I realized that he was going to the pool. Cliche, I know, but that didn't make it any less real. 

He stopped at the edge of the pool and my first thought was that the water as probably freezing. Second though: my hair was going to frizzy and be all chloriney.

"So you gonna change your mind about who won?" Niall asked, holding me over the pool.

I leaned in close to him and whispered, "Never."

"Well, guess that only gives me one choice." He dropped me, and I fell into the water. It was absolutely the coldest thing I ever felt, or at least it felt like it a the moment.

Just to mess with Niall, I stayed underwater for as long as I could then came back to the surface, gasping and pretending to cough.

"Niall! I can't-" I let myself go back underwater. I heard a splash, then two very muscular arms wrap around me then pull me out of the water. I kept my eyes closed as I felt Niall put me down on my back beside the pool.

"Gail are you okay? Please be okay." Niall said anxiously. Damn. He seemed pretty convinced.

He held me in his arms while I continued to pretend to be passed out and I could feel his heart beat really fast and I heard a little sniffle. Aww. 

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Please don't die. I love you."

Oh my god. What? And that was when I realized that I loved him too. It was a huge realization moment, and all of a sudden I knew what it meant to love someone. I couldn't even explain it, I just thought that he was perfectly imperfect, and that was more then enough for me.

I don't even remember deciding to do it, but all of a sudden I had pulled him in and kissed him. At first he was suprised, but only for a second, and then he kissed me back, and it was better then every time we kissed before, it was so much more meaningful.

We pulled apart, and I whispered, "I love you too." 

"I'm happy you're not dead."

I laughed softly. "Yeah, me too."

After that, we layed down on the grass and stared at the stars together, cuddling, until I fell asleep in his arms.

A/N Hiiiii sorry I didnt update for a really long time b/c I was in San Diego sorry. Its kinda short but I really wanted to update so yeah. Thanks for reading and please vote if you do I'll love you forever. <3

Summer Love: a Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now