Chapter 4

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*2 years later*

Today was the two year anniversary of me and Niall. Well, it would've been if he hadn't moved back to Ireland and became and internationally famous popstar. Yup. I just love telling that story. (that was sarcasm.) Not that I wasn't proud of him.

Anyways, at least some people hadn't left me. I was just finishing packing my bag to go spend two weeks at Lake Tahoe with Isabel and Reya. I heard a car horn thingie outside, and saw Isabel waiting in the car.

"Get in loser, we're going to Tahoe!" she yelled at me. I ran out the door, carrying my many bags.

After four hours of driving while singing overly loudly to the radio, we had arrived a cabin by the lake which we were renting. Since it was late afternoon and about 100 degrees, we didn't bother unpacking. We just threw on swimsuits and jumped in the lake.

After an hour or so, I noticed Isabel look over at some stranger sitting on the edge of the dock. She swam over to him, and he must have recognised her, because they started whispering, and he looked over at me. Twice.

After a couple minutes, she came back, and whispered something to Reya, who nodded understandingly.

"Okayyy.... I'm going to ask the obvious question. What the fuck is going on? I may not be able to hear you but I can see you." Emma and Isabel looked at each other sheepishly.

"We can't tell you, but I promise its not violent, embarrassing, scary, or anything bad. Trust me." said Reya, and she actually looked like she was telling the truth.

"Well... okay. Fine. Whatever." I said, still unsure. But I was just going to have to trust my friends, even though the curious person inside me was dying to know.

Nothing weird happened for the next few days. Well, actually, the mystery guy that Isabel was talking to was still there, and kept looking over at me. Not in the "holy shit she's attractive" way, I actually had no idea why he kept looking at me.

Anyways, I was just going to bed after a long day of waterskiing, and I fell asleep almost immediately, I was so tired, I didn't even spend an hour on instagram before actually sleeping.

If I hadn't been so sleepy, I might've heard the thump. Or the door to my room opening. But like I said, I was sleepy. But I did wake up when I felt someone pick me up and throwing em over their shoulder. I groggily opened my eyes.

"What the...?" I mumbled. Then I realized that I was being kidnapped. I hate when that happens. I started struggling, and I opened my mouth to yell, but then I felt a rag against my mouth, and everything went black.

I woke up on a plane. Well, actually, it was more of a private jet. But I didn't recognize this particular private jet, so I panicked. And then I realized that my hands and feet were tied, and I was on a seat couch thingie, and since I was struggling I fell. Which hurt. I guess Random Guy Who Kidnapped Me heard the thump, because he came over. I glared at him.

"Where am I? Who are you? Where are you taking me?" I asked. He looked at me, amused. He had brown hair, muscular arms, but he looked average.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." He said, smirking then he pressed another rag against my mouth. I figured that if I held my breath, I wouldn't pass out, so I pressed my lips together and refused to breathe. After a couple seconds, like thirty-ish, my lungs started to burn, and I felt like I was going purple.

Random Guy looked down at me. "Just breathe in. It'll make everything better." he said soothingly. I finally gave up, and gasped in air. I felt the guy pick me up before I passed out again.

When I woke up again, I was on a small boat, and it was just getting docked. I realized that the guy was going to show up again, so I pretended to be asleep. Sure enough, he picked me up, and we got off the boat, and into a car. It was a really nice car, actually, from what i saw from briefly opening my eyes. It was a really nice SUV, so whoever owned it was most likely rich.

Summer Love: a Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now