Chapter 1 (EDITED)

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Winter's POV

I was already in a bad mood this morning since Qibli couldn't stop babbling to me about his so called fond for music. Like we Icewings don't care for music... we have much more important things to do. Honestly the dragonets of destiny must have been out of their mind or something to make Qibli as my claw mate. Me! A noble IceWing prince with Qibli, a Outclaw guard. I was still grumbling when all of a sudden Tsunami's loud voice roared all across the caves.

"Listen up you fish heads! We as in the Dragonets of Destiny have changed your claw mates! More information will be given in the announcement board, now off to your classes!"

All of us just stared at her as if she was saying something strange but in all honesty I was slightly delighted for the fact that I wouldn't have to listen to Qibli's nonsense anymore. At the thought of that I exhaled a sigh of relief as there might be a chance I will be claw mates with another IceWing just like me. After my sigh, all of the dragons started to talk again, some in protest, some  thankful, and some complaining. I was tired of listening to those idiots talk over each other like uneducated walrus so I left to my class.

I entered Web's boring class to see my winglet already there. They all looked half asleep but as soon as I came all eyes were on me. Qibli with a smirk on his snout, Turtle just staring at me blankly, Kinkajou smiling wide and bright followed by a squeal, and Moon staring at me too but it was as if there was something on her mind as always. 

I scowled at each and every one of them making sure to show my disgust, "What are you all staring at?"

Turtle and Kinkajou immediately cowered in fear afraid, Qibli just looked away probably silently laughing while Moon still kept her eyes on me. Unconsciously I was also staring back at her but not in a mean way but more of a observing way. I finally noticed and tried to stop. Stop it Winter! Stop staring at her and go sit down somewhere. Like father always said, "Be strong, Be vigilant, Strike first. Trust nobody."

Moon's POV

I stared at Winter as that was the only way I could focus on his thoughts. I know its wrong but sometimes I have to protect myself ever since Winter threatened me to freeze my body parts one by one and snap them. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not well Qibli assured me its totally fine and normal for Winter but I still must not let my guards down. 

Class continued with Webs telling us about the legend of Darkstalker and soon enough the bell rung. I was last to leave the class but thankfully Kinkajou waited for me before leaving. She was chatting away while I just nodded my head to make it seem as if I was listening when in reality, I just wanted to hide since everybody's thoughts was invading mines. Its like a party that can never stop but its no fun.

I finallly lifted my head up when Kinkajou's words turned to a squeal and the next thing I know I was being dragged by her to a ring of dragons. In the middle of the dragons was the announcement board. Dragons were muttering with different expressions plastered on their face while I squinted my eyes slightly to get a better look. Ah... its the new claw mate announcement. I went through a long list of random names until I finally found mines with....Winter?! 

Mere words could not describe the shock I was feeling. I was deeply confused, how could they have paired me a mere Nightwing with a Icewing prince! I didn't notice I was actually saying it in a complained voice until Kinkajou was agreeing with me. I looked over to her and her scales were a mixture of pink, orange, and slight yellow. 

"I know! How could they have paired you with Winter and me and Turtle? I mean I'm still cool with Turtle and all but a Nightwing and a IceWing?" *GASP

After listening part of Kinkajou's speech of protest I looked over to Winter and saw he too had a look of shock and confusion but unlike me, he hasn't recovered from his mini shock. Next to Winter was Qibli laughing at Winter not caring about his new claw mate. I quickly skimmed over the list to find Qibli stuck with Ostrich. Oh, no wonder he doesn't care much. I went back to check on how Winter was doing only to see this time he had a scowl on. Already expecting that kind of reaction, I wasn't really hurt to be scowled at. I mean why would he want to even be claw mate with me?  

Sturdy As Ice (Winter & Moonwatcher) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now