•Chapter Six•

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Thank you so much to moneshacutecumber for your motivation strategy I couldn't have been more inspired by your threats *winks and smiles*

«Eros Pov»

It's pretty crazy how life can f*ck us over in a millisecond

One moment we're basking in ecstasy,at the euphoric moment granted upon request. Eyes wide with childlike innocence, smile stretched from here to Tristan Da Cunha before everything shatters and we're left gasping desperate for air,as we drown in the revelation that all good things come to an end.

It's probably just me that life specifically enjoys f*cking with no condom. It's like every time, I decide to look at my situation from another aspect life smacks my bum without my permission and tells me how much of a punk I am for NOT ACCEPTING BRUTAL TORMENT. I feel hopeless.

What did I do to deserve this?

That's the thing you don't have to do anything for life to stomp on you like muddy puddles. This is a lesson. A lesson to aid in self discovery,self trust..self love, that's what it is. There's no other plausible solution.

Well life?if this is the best you've got then I have three words for you


I'm sitting in my car,fidgeting with anything I could get my hands on as my mind clouded with dread,like it does at the end of every other school day when I have to go back to the house that I'll never call home again. Sigh if depression was a building it would be that house. I gathered my thoughts before starting the engine and leaving behind the empty schoolyard and heading towards the tiny yet homely nursery and daycare that had practically been my haven after mum disappeared.

3:16 pm

good timing,I was leaned up against my truck about to release the breath I had been holding when two giggles followed by four tiny arms,each pair wrapping around my legs made their presence known,standing out from the other 20+ kids that dashed out of Little Ducklings Daycare.


"Hey princesses" I grinned bending as close to their height as I could "How was your day?"

"Awesome Er bear!!" They chimed

"Tell me all about it when we get in the car,yeah?" I mused genuinely.

"YEAH" They exclaimed, they were always thrilled to tell me about all the things they did at daycare

"Ah ah,let's try that again,princess voices" I scolded, I wanted them to grow into polite respectable young ladies, sue me.

"Yes Eros" They corrected with determined faces which made me smile,they made an effort to remember everything I taught them and it was truly admirable. I held out each of my index and middle fingers out for them to grasp as we walked up to their teacher who held Sebastian in his carrier as she strolled towards me with a gentle smile gracing her soft features.

"Girls,what did I tell you about dashing out and leaving baby Seb?" She chastised to which the twins hung their heads in shame.

"We're sorry,Ms.Lily" She patted their heads gently as to not mess their pigtails before giving into their puppy dog faces and digging into her apron for two mini snicker bars looking at me for permission before they saw

"Aw you girls are too adorable,just don't let it happen again" Ms.Lily negotiated while tucking the sweets in their overall pouches to which they gasped and nodded frantically accepting her deal. Checking the time I took the carrier occupying Seb and thanked her while leading my girls to the truck. After securing them in their car seats they began their animated rant about their day. I can't understand why people complain about children,they're literally balls of sunshine....most of the time. Daydreaming about the girls growing up and starting to entertain boys disrupted my thoughts and I shook my head quickly, glancing in my rear view mirror seriously.

"Hey jellybeans?...promise me you'll stay babies" They giggled before looking at each other and tilting their heads confused

"You're so silly,Er bear"

After a fifteen minute drive we arrived at home,the girls fidgeted as they waited for me to unbuckle their seats before jumping out of their car seats and yelling after seeing Dad's car parked horribly in the front of the fountain,I rolled my eyes and took Seb out grabbing his bag as well as the twins bags being careful not to wake him up

"DADDY!!" Thank God,they were already inside,dashing up the stairs to dads study. I used that distraction as a way to put Seb in his crib so that I could do my homework before I had to prepare dinner for the kids and I. See,dad's current bed warmer thought it would be a life lesson to change the function of the house,let me explain so you know what extent she's willing to go to make life miserable for me. Firstly,this generous lady thought only allowing the butlers and maids to work when the entire 'family' is home would be a great idea,why?so that young men coming into the world would know what it's like to have responsibility and respect for gender equality. I get what she's saying but honestly?a seventeen year old male in a empty house with a four month old baby as well as twins,not like I have to get an education or anything.


Sunshine 4:00 pm

Hey Eros!

Huh a text notification,that's a first. I opened up my phone scrolling through my messages only to find myself grinning and calling without missing a beat "Hey Sunshine"

"Ugh I told you to stop calling me that,Eros" I chuckled in response and mimicked her

"Ugh and I told you to stop calling me that,Sunshine"I could just picture her squinting and pouting her already plump lips

"Touche,anyway what's up?how are the beans?"I laughed at her nickname for my siblings before replying "They're okay,they miss you, How've you been?"I laid back arms behind my head and relaxed as she went on about her day at school and how she got a part time job

"Just don't stress too much,si?" I didn't want her to have another panic attack because of over exertion ,especially when I'm miles away and there's no one to help her calm down.

"I won't,don't worry" I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat

I would worry because she said not to.



~Lots and Lots of Love and gummies ,Kai

[Edited on June 11th 2016]

[Edited again 27th December 2016]

[Edited again 2nd April 2017]

[Edited again 24th August 2017]

[Edited again 17th June 2020]

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