Chapter 17~ Affection

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(we are going to skip to Samantha's 1st birthday)

(Your pov)
I sat up in bed to the sound of Sam singing again. She was singing,"Twinkle Twinkle little star." It was so adorable! I watched across the bed as she sang and sang. I nudged Jack's shoulder. He rubbed his eyes and heard the same little song. He moved up against me and hugged me tight. It didn't help his morning wood was very "alive". Sam then turned around and noticed us starring at her."Mommy! Daddy! I sing!" She chirped. It melted my heart. She sat up in her toddler bed, and got down. She walked towards our bed and tried to get up. She struggled and Jack let out a chuckle. He lifted her up and put her in the middle of us. I kissed her cheek,"How old are you today Sam?" She giggled and held up five fingers. "five?!" Sean yelled. "Your not five! You silly goose!" He put down four of her fingers. "Your this many! One!" She giggled again. Her little giggle sounded like Jack's with a mix of mine. I smiled and said,"I can't believe my little baby is one!" She hugged jack and he kissed her head. I smiled and let her down.

(Jacks pov)
I got up and picked up Sam. "Are you hungry?" She nodded and smiled. I carried her downstairs to the kitchen and sat her at her booster seat. "Do you want some cereal? Or pop tarts? Or cake?" I chuckled at my last opinion. Sam laughed and said,"Daddy! You no have cake for breakfast!" She was very smart. I got her a bowl of luck charms and put it in front of her. She smiled and chirped,"Shanks daddy." I nodded and got me some cake. I noticed that (y/n) had a box in her hands coming down the stairs. "Whats that?" I asked. She sat down next to me and opened the box. It was Samantha's baby pictures!(Video above, these are just random pictures, just pretend they are all the same baby ❤️) I began to tear up myself, (y/n) had tears running down her face. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. She could barely speak,"I just can't believe(sniffle) how fast time has flew. It seems just yesterday, Sam was a little baby. Now she's one today!" I realized she was right, time did fly really fast. (WRITER WHY DID YOU MAKE IT SKIP SO FAR!)
But its okay, Sam has had an amazing life! I turned and saw that Sam was playing with her little spoon. "Im all done Dadda!" She cheered. I chuckled and took her bowl and spoon. (Y/n) wiped her up and set her on the floor, with her toys. Me and (y/n) sat on the couch and watched movies. Samantha would occasionally sit with us and play with us. She was so cute. She reminds me of (y/n) how sweet and innocent she is. She has (y/n)'s cheek bones, her little nose, her ears, and her lips. But she had a mixture of me too, which made her absolutely perfect. I will never stop loving her.

(Few hours later)

(Your pov)
It was time for Sam to blow out her candles for her birthday. We sat her in the booster and sang her happy birthday. I lit the candle and brought the cake towards her. She clapped her hands and giggled. I set the cake in front of her, the flame swayed side to side. She looked at the flame and tried to blow it out. First attempt, fail. The flame still was lit. Second attempt, fail. She got upset that she couldn't blow out the flame. I told her,"Its okay honey! You can do it!" She looked up at me and didn't give off an expression. I smiled and she turned to the flame and tried again. Third attempt, success! We cheered! I took the cake away and cut it up into slices. i gave her a slice of cake and she ate it up! I got me and Jack a slice and we sat down and ate. Sam got done early so we got her down, cleaned her up and set her in the living room to play.

I saw (y/n) set Sam alone. "Nows my chance! " i thought. I poofed in front of sam. She looked up at me, confused, shocked. I put my finger over my mouth to show her to be quiet. I took a little gift box out from behind me and said,in a whisper,"Here is a present from me," i opened the box"This is the bracelet of evil, when you turn 16, you will hate you family. You will remember me, and come to my side. And take over the world!" I tickled her little neck, she giggled. I slipped the bracelet on her wrist and whispered,"Dont let them take it off of you, you may not understand now, but you will soon understand that, Earth is a horrible place, living humans are scary, they are horrible. This life will torture you and make you cry." I shook my head,"Why am I telling this to a one year old?!" I felt embarrassed so I disappeared back home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you all so much for reading! If you liked it punch the vote button in the face like a boss! And high fives all around -wapish!- -wapish!- thank you all so much for reading and i will see all of you dudes in the next chapter!!!

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Love, shelbisepticeye❤️

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