Chapter five

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Sorry for the long wait everyone but this will be an update.
After a few minutes Hermione got her head around the fact she was a pure blood. 'Do you know anything about my birth parents?' She asked. This time her mum spoke up 'when we got you from the orphanage we were given a letter for you from your father. His name is Tom Riddle.' At this point her dad was away for the letter.

After a few minutes her dad came in with an unopened envelope and handed it to her. 'Go upstairs and read the letter I think this should be something you do in private.' He said. Hermione nodded her head and went upstairs clutching the letter in her hand. Once she got upstairs she closed her door tight and say on her bed starring at the letter not know weather she should open it or not. After a good ten minutes of looking at the letter she got the courage up to open it.
In beautiful script it said.
To my beautiful baby girl.
I'm sorry for not being around when you were going up, for missing the most important stages of your life but after your mother was killed by the order I had to try my best to keep you safe. Even though you meant and still mean the world to me the safest thing for you was being kept away from me or anyone close to me.
I'm not sure whether or not you have heard anything about me but I can promise that anything you have heard has been extorted to make me come out as evil and Dumbledore the hero. But that would be better explained in person. Now that you are the age of thirteen I believe you will be strong enough to defend yourself so I will be sending some people to your house to collect you and bring you home where you rightfully belong. Your adoptive parents should have some more information about this to give you.

Your father.

Not knowing how to process all of this Hermione sat on her bed, her mind going a mile a minute trying to come to terms with everything that has happened since she has got off the Hogwarts express. After what felt like hours in her room. She heard a knock at the front door.

The real hermioneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora