Chapter six

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After hearing the knock on the door Hermione felt like she was going to be sick. Are they the people that have been sent to take her to her father. 'It's too soon' she thought 'I've only found out about him what am I going to do'. Getting as must bravery up as she could she slipped out of her bedroom door and sat on the landing where she was able to see and hear everything that was going on at the front door. She couldn't hear any taking at the moment because her dad was using a hushed tone. The only thing she could see was the long blonde hair of whoever was at the door. Trying to think of who she or her parents knew with long her. After a few minutes she was disturbed from her train of thought. 'Hermione come downstairs there's someone here to see you' her mum shouts upstairs. Looking back to the door she notices that no one is there anymore. Jumping to her feet she goes downstairs to see who the person is.
After walking into the kitchen she then realises that it was in fact two people that came to the door both with blonde hair. The smaller of the two looks really familiar but she can't put her finger on where she knows him from.
At this point her mum looks up at her and signals for her to come to the table and sit down. When she makes her way over the table she finally sees who it is. 'Draco? What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?' She asks shock. He just smiles at her in return.

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