Chapter four

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After what seems like hours of thinking things over in her head Hermione decided to go downstairs and talk to her parents about it maybe she should here their side of the story. After leaving her room she can hear her mother still crying. Which broke her heart. This women has raised her to be the person she is granted she is only thirteen but with everything she's gone through in Hogwarts it has helped her to mature.
Going downstairs as quietly as possible she could still hear her mother crying. Once she got to the living room she gave a slight cough to let them know that she was there. Her mother ran to her and pulled her into a hug. 'Were so sorry, we should have told you sooner. We love you so much'. She cried. Hermione just stood there hugging her. After a minute of silence she said 'I love you too. But can we talk about this just so I know what happened'. 'Yes, yes of course sit down and we'll answer any questions we can that you have' her father replied. 'I want to know everything' she said.
Her mother and father looked at each other, her mother still trying to calm down after all the crying. 'I guess I'll start then' her dad said. 'Fifteen years ago we found out that we couldn't have children. Naturally this broke our hearts as we wanted a child. We were given a couple of options by our doctor but the only one that suited us was adoption. It took about a year and a half for the adoption agency to clear us so we could adopt. After this we started looking for a child to adopt. One day we walked into an adoption centre the on that you were dropped off at the night before. As soon as we seen you we fell in love and adopted you. We were told when we signed the papers that you are of pure blood. I never knew what that meant and still to this day don't but I'll never forget it because it's the first thing that we learnt about you' he father when quite after this.
Hermiones brain was working a mile a minute due to hearing that she was pure blooded. That would mean that her parents are wizards. Wouldn't it. Of course her parents wouldn't know what it meant the don't understand how important blood purity was taken in the wizarding world.

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