Chapter seven

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'Draco, you didn't tell me you we friends with this girl' lucius turned to his son with the famous malfoy smirk. 'Father this is Hermione granger, she's in my year at Hogwarts' Draco said timidly and looked down at the table in front of him as if trying to avoid eye contact with anyone within the room. After a few minutes of silence lucius once again spoke up 'miss granger I have a feeling you know why we are here, going by what Draco has told me over the last year you are a very bright witch.' Looking at Hermione. At this Draco looked up making eye contact with her. After breaking the eye contact Hermione turned to his father 'is this about my biological father?, in the letter he said that he would be sending people to collect me'   At this lucius smirked again 'that is correct Hermione. Now if you don't mind we are on a very tight schedule. Which means that we will be needing to leave soon. Would you be able to pack your bags?' With this Hermione didn't say a word she just nodded her head moving to go upstairs. 'Draco go help her' lucius said to his son. Without another word Draco got out of his chair and followed Hermione to her room.

After an awkward silence between the two teenagers, Draco decided to start up a conversation. 'Sorry about the way my father treated you, but can I just say you can definitely hold your own against him' he said smiling. At the Hermione laughed. 'Why didn't you tell me Hermione, if you would have said something I won't of had to be mean to you the last two years' Draco sighed. 'What do you mean Draco. It sounds like your saying you had no choice' Hermione questioned while packing her clothes into her trunk which still had her school supply's in. At this Draco closed the door and looked at the floor. 'That's because I didn't. You see how my father is. I'm not aloud to make friends with anyone outside of Slytherin, especially a muggle born. Hermione I have always wanted to be your friend' he said in a low voice that Hermione had difficulty hearing. At that Hermione dropped her clothes on the floor and went to hug Draco. 'It's okay we can be friends. Plus I was never a muggle born. I would have told you but I only found out today' she said still hugging him.
The teenagers jumped apart when they hear a knock on the door. Once opened lucius was standing at the door. 'It's time to go we have no more time to waste' he said. At this he lifted out his wand and put everything into the trunk and shrunk it down. 'We must go your father is expecting us' he said looking at Hermione one last time.

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