Chapter nine

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They appeared outside a large manor that felt like home to Hermione, something that Hermione has never felt before. Knowing that her father was inside the manor made it feel like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Draco and his father started to walk up the drive ahead of her, after a few minutes Hermione seemed to realise what was finally happen and had to jog to catch up to them. After the walk that felt like an hour but was really five minutes the trio reach the large black entrance doors. The doors seemed to open themselves and Lucius walked in front of the teenagers, not knowing what to do next Hermione followed slowly behind him. Lucius stopped at a black closed door. She knew this was what was what as separating her from her real family. Once again she did not know whether to be scared or happy, what is she wasn't what he wanted as a daughter, who would want a book worm as their daughter. All these things and more were going through Hermione's head all at once. She felt like she was going to hyperventilate.

Once the doors opened Lucius walked in and again Hermione walked in slow behind him. Not being able to see anyone in the room because of Lucius's clock. 'My lord, we have found her' Lucius said as he seems to bow. Hermione could not think who this lord was, wasn't she meant to be meeting her father, who is this person in the room? 'Lucius how many times have I had to tell you when we are alone its Tom to you my friend' the mysterious person replied at this Lucius finally seemed to straighten his back once again and moved from in front of Hermione finally allowing her to see the person sitting at the desk. The man sitting there had black hair and porcelain skin from what she could see as he was focused on a book. Lucius coughed which seemed to get the persons attention once again. At this the person lifted his sight up from a book which is the thickest book that Hermione has ever seen. 'Tom this is Hermione, Hermione this is Tom. Your father' Lucius said revealing the identity of the person sitting at the desk. At this point she had just realised that Draco was standing beside her, this made Hermione physically relax.

'Hermione is it really you?' Tom asked as he was getting up from the desk, walking slowing around the large mahogany desk. Hermione had a lump in her throat being unable to talk all she could do was nod her head as she felt her eyes fill up with tears. Looking at her father she could see his dark eyes fill up as well. All she could do was run to her father and was engulfed in a hug. Hermione finally felt like she was home. 'I can't believe I finally got you back, I've been waiting until for this day since we placed you with the Grangers for protection, I am never letting you go again. I've missed you so much.' Her father said. At hearing this Draco and Lucius decided to give the two some space to reconnect left the room. After a short few moments of a comfortable silence her father spoke up 'Just wait until your mother gets home and sees you, she has missed you so much'

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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