My mate has cancer.... [1]

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 I walked into her room grinning like an idiot she was asleep I put the Mc Donald’s on the table near her bed.

She was shivering I frowned I touched her and she was freezing and that’s coming from me a wolf.

Alyssa P.O.V

I was feeling extra cold today I felt a warm hand on my head and they were about to move it away but I pulled it closer and wrapped both my hands around it, they were so warm.

“S-stay” I said through chattering teeth.

I opened my eyes to see Aaron looking at me worriedly I pulled him down closer to me “please” I pleaded.

He nodded and got into bed next to me, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and hid my face into the crevice of his neck warming myself up he wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly the shivering started to stop I couldn’t stop my heart beat going faster and faster by the minute I could feel butterflies in my stomach they were playing chase and I loved it I couldn’t even help the spark that I was feeling where he was touching me.

“Thanks” I said.

He nodded and his grip on my waist tightened “No problem” he said.

I sighed.

“What happened?”

“It’s the side affects of the new pills I'm taking” I said breathing into his neck.

He shivered and I smiled, I found that cute.

“I bought Mickey D’s” he said.

“Really?” I said moving my head out from his neck.

He nodded and got out from the bed leaving my fragile limp body under the blankets I coughed and whimpered I reached for the cup of water near my bed and took a big gulp. It felt refreshing.

He was opening the bag he passed me a burger and French fries. I put it on my lap and put the drink on the table beside the bed.


Once we were finished I grinned “that was yummy” I exclaimed.

He smiled “wanna go somewhere?” he asked looking at me.

 I frowned “where?”

“dunno” he said “you must have some change of clothes what did you come in?” he asked.

“Yeah I do” I said smiling “get out” I said.

He looked shocked but didn’t say anything “I said get out” I said trying to hold in my giggles he didn’t say anything “get out, so I can get changed” I said.

He let out a breath of relief and nodded and walked out the door, I struggled to get up but eventually got to my feet I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a white t shirt paired with a yellow hoody.

I put my hair into a ponytail; yeah I have my hair still that was one thing the cancer won’t take from me.

I opened the door and Aaron almost stumbled back “w-wow you look different” he stated.

I giggled “we need to sneak out”

“Why?” he asked.

“Because if we get caught….I’m screwed” I said.

“Can I screw you?” he asked winking and wiggling his eyebrows.

I blushed and hid my head.

“Come on angel” he said his hand at the middle of my back.

I began walking and we sneaked out of the hospital not getting caught I smiled.

“Where do you wanna go?” he asked.

I shrugged “dunno, anywhere” I said.

He enveloped his hand in mine and I looked at his face and he was casually looking in front like it was nothing I smiled like an idiot I was shorter than him but oh well!

“Let’s go….” He looked around “there!” he pointed towards the lake with a dock.

I nodded “okay” I mumbled.


I sat on the dock my legs hanging on the edge my head hurting I closed my eyes and thought about my mum, this usually helps I closed them for about a minute and the pain slowly started to go. I sighed when it went.

I opened my eyes and felt another pair of eyes on me I looked towards where they where coming from it was Aaron I smiled and cocked my head to the side “what?” I asked with an raised eyebrow.

He smiled “you’re beautiful” he said.

I blushed and tried to hide my face I'm not beautiful, I heard him chuckle “your even more beautiful when you blush” he said.

“20 questions” I randomly said “lets play 20 questions?” I asked more politely.

He nodded “okay you go first” he said.

I nodded, “what do you regret most in life? And why” I asked.

He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again “not coming to the hospital sooner” he said.

I frowned “why?”

“Because if I did I would’ve met you sooner” he said coolly.

I blushed again oh shit; this is not supposed to be happening.

I wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side “I don’t bite” he said.

I giggled “I know” I said.

“Okay my turn, what is the best feeling you’ve ever had?” he asked.

I smiled “the feeling when they told me I had cancer and id have to go to the hospital for chemo, because those few days between I could do whatever I wanted… was like I knew all that fun was coming to an end, so I crashed weddings, I went skinny dipping, I spent half my money in Vegas, I did everything and anything.” I said.

He looked at me “It must’ve been scary, how did you handle it?” he asked.

“That’s two questions, it was easy I was scared at first but then I knew its there and I cant make it go away” I said “my turn, urmm what do you hate the most and why?” I asked.

“Hmm, I hate it when people think they know Me.” he said.

I smiled “when’s your birthday?”  He asked.

“In 5 days” I said grinning.

“Whoa really?” he said shocked.

I nodded.

“What you going to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know, probably go to see my mum’s grave, and then go get ice cream” I said.

“Alone?” he asks.

I nod “yeah I do it alone every year” I said.

“Can I come?” he requests.

“I…..-you want to come with me?” I asked stunned, why would he want to come with me?

“Sure…unless you don’t want me to” he said.

“N-no of course I do” I said.

I didn’t realise his arm was still around my waist he pulled me more into his body and I felt spark all around that was until the pain in my head came back I frowned and closed my eyes it still didn’t work I began feeling dizzy. I put a hand to my forehead and it just got worse “Angel are you okay?” he asked.

I rested my head on his shoulder and felt myself slowly slipping away from the world, and I finally fell into a deep dark abyss.

Maybe this is it….

My mate has cancer.....Where stories live. Discover now