My mate has cancer.....[3]

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  • Dedicated to My new trailer check it out guys plzz ----->

okay so basically its short but ive uploaded 2.




“You’re my mate angel” I said.

She gasped “…wow” was the only thing she said, then she grinned “that’s cool!” she exclaimed.

I nodded and pulled her close to me “you’re all mine” I said.

She giggled.

I really, really, like her…


“Hi!” I chirped when I stepped into the room I saw her swallowing her pills she smiled softly when she saw me, then she put another pill into her mouth.

“Angel” I said she grinned and took another sip off her water I kissed her on the cheek.

“How are you doing?” I asked picking her up and placing her on my lap.

She smiled and closed her eyes “I’ve had better days”

“I haven’t sitting her with you….I haven’t had better days because this is the best day ever”

She smiled “aren’t you sweet” she said kissing my cheek.

I grinned “yeah and I'm nice can I get another kiss?” I asked.

She grinned and pecked me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me.

“Happy birthday baby girl” I said to her kissing her on the cheek.

She smiled “thank you” she said.

“My mum wants to meet you” I blurted out “Well technically my family but my mums the most excited” I rushed.

She giggled “okay” she said.

Okay? Did she just say okay?

“Okay?” I asked confused.

“Yep” she popped the ‘p’ “I wanna get out of this place anyway” she said.

I kissed her neck “thank you” I said into her neck.

She patted my hand.

“But I need a dress, I have nothing to wear” she said sheepishly “sorry, usually I just go to the ice cream shop or something, and I can’t go wearing jeans….wont be very presentable will it?” she said.

I grinned and nuzzled her neck “don’t apologize for that, I want to see my angel in a dress anyway.”

She sighed.


I walked into the mall holding her close to my side she was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts revealing her long legs it was really hot today or I would never let her wear shorts she could get ill.

She held my hand and looked around the shops she had a small louis vuitton satchel bag that I bought her she had put her pills and money in there although I told her she wouldn’t need as I would buy her anything she needed but she's stubborn and forced me to let her bring it. Her hair was open and she looked beautiful.

She frowned and took her phone out of her bag when it rang when she looked at the caller id she grinned and put it to her ear.

“Hi” she chirped.

“Hello” I heard a boys voice on the other end “happy birthday!” I heard another boys voice.

I growled, my fist clenched –the hand that wasn’t holding hers- I growled again.

“Ouch! ----I want to talk! ---No! ---oi! Let me---selfish! ---oh crap! You spilt chocolate over my phone----you’re dead!—I'm to young to die!---mum!---shit I'm screwed---crap I think I pissed my pants---hahah what a girl!---no it’s because you’re a beast!—it ” I heard multiple voices on the end.

She giggled “give it to your mum” she said.

“No let me talk!” I heard a small voice say.

“Hi baby” Alyssa said.

“HI!” he shouted down the phone, causing my angel to wince “I miss you! Daddy said were coming but then he says we won’t….he’s a very confusing man” he said.

She giggled “Probably comes with old age” she replied.

“Hey!” a older voice said “I'm only 29” he sighed “I'm not even old!”

She giggled “I beg to differ”.

“DADDY! I want to buy this!” the same little voice said.

“Where are you?” Alyssa asked.

“at the mall, we were coming to see you in 20 minutes I was just going to ask if you were free so we could come… are you?” he asked.

“I'm in the mall to!” she chirped.

“Meet me outside the food court?” she asked.

“Okay,” then I heard some shuffling “KIDS! Listen up! Were going to the food court to see Alyssa” he said then after that I heard some screaming “kids wait for me and your mum” the man said, he sighed “ill be there wait a minute…or you might see the kid running towards you right now” he said.

She nodded and hung up “Lets go outside the food court I'm meeting someone” she said pulling me towards the food court.

“Who?” I asked curiously.

“Some close friends” she said grinning excitedly.

I nodded and wrapped my arm around her waist protectively I think I saw someone taking pictures…I hope its not any paparazzi.


do you all want me to make a trailer for my mate has cancer? cuz i will my dudes :D!!

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