Friday 7th August 2015

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I really am starting to get worried that I won't completely finish it in time. I got quite a small chunk written. I just hope I can keep it up until my personal deadline to finish the first draft. Then I can finish it after that and get it published.

Since I wrote on Wednesday, I got some ideas for a sequel as well, which I'm calling White Snake for now. It's going to incorporate elements of the legend of Lady White Snake, a female snake spirit who married a human man. I had already planned on writing a sequel and was writing my story in a way that would leave room for me to continue the story in another book, but I didn't have the inspiration for a definite story.

Last night I couldn't use my internet. It turned out to be something wrong with my plug-in power points. I changed earlier, so I can now use it again. I'm only glad I found out what it was before I decided to call maintenance and had to pay for something that I didn't need.

At least I won't have to go shopping for another week or so for the food that Mum's left me.

I made plans with S to meet on Monday. I originally suggested this weekend, but he's going on a camping trip with a group of his friends. We texted this morning before he went out at noon. He has a great sense of humour; i's less dry than mine but I like it all the same. I just hope I can continue talking to him like I have been when we meet face to face. Maybe we can talk on Skype on Sunday if he gets back from his trip by then.

The 6 things you need to be a novelist

1. A notebook

2. A pen

3. A good imagination

4. A need to write about the thought and images in your head

5. At least ten minutes a day to write

6. Perseverance.

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