Wednesday 2nd September 2015

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I finally handed in my dissertation today! I finished editing it about six o'clock this morning. Silly I know, but I just wanted to get it done and dusted. I had it printed and bound on site at a Mail Box Office that also do thesis and dissertation printing and binding for students; two copies in under an hour. There was some problems signing it in as they didn't have the sign in sheet for my course, but they told me that they would lock it up and sign it in on my behalf tomorrow morning. They would also e-mail me to let me know.

I'm really relieved that it's over. Now all I have to do is rewrite it, and finish the second half, before I can get it published. It's less daunting now that I know I can finish a book. Or at least a part of it.

I'm going to have more time to write my other stories; speaking of which I must talk to Joyce about my short story prequel to Red String at the Inky Fingers meeting tomorrow morning. She something about meeting her at her house to discuss the changes that I'll need to make so I can get it published in the anthology.

I also really need to get a job. I'm to hear back from a couple of jobs that I applied for, so here's hoping I get a positive response from at least one of them.

On another note, I don't think I'll be meeting S at all. We arranged to meet at All About Tea on Friday 21 August, and he texted me that morning to ask if we were still on to which I replied that we were. I waited until nearly closing time, but he never showed up! I was gutted as I was looking forward to meeting him. I thought we really had something, even if it was only by e-mail, text and phone. Oh well, looks like it's back to the dating sites for me.

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I enrolled at Portsmouth. It's gone by so quickly; I almost wish it weren't over at all. But still, I am glad it's done. I just hope I've done a good job.

Things I am grateful for

1. Finishing my dissertation on time

2. The slightly cooler weather

3. My parents' concern and generosity

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