Tuesday 11th August 2015

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It just occurred to my that yesterday was exactly one month since my birthday. It's funny, I still don't feel like I'm twenty-five. I'm a quarter of a century old now and I don't feel like I've done anything of significance in my life; other than graduating university for an Honour degree, even if it was only a Third Class. I have to admit I'm also starting to worry whether or not I'll be able to find a job, on top of my other worries with my studies.

I didn't get much work done today; roughly 300 words. I'm going to force myself to write until I've written up to 700 today. Hopefully that'll finish up Red String's Halloween chapter.

I need to go out tomorrow to buy some milk; I'm out. I had planned on making Today-in-the-Hole today, but still I've no milk I can't. Oh well; I can always make it tomorrow.

New words:

Metaknowledge - Knowledge about knowledge (philosophy); Knowledge about types, domains, function, or preconditions of knowledge (psych., A.I)

Vaguery - vagueness; an example of vagueness; an eggcorn for vagaries

Eggcorn - A word or phrase resulting from a mishearing or misinterpretation of another, usually another speaker's dialect (sometimes called oronym); a part of the original being substituted for one that sounds very similar (e.g. "tow the line" instead of "toe the line").

Zydeco - Popular music from Southern Louisiana which combines French tunes with elements of Caribbean music and blues.

Psephology - The study of elections

Solar (noun) - An private or upper chamber in a medieval English house

Attractive things in a man

Blue eyes

Blonde or dark hair

An athletic or rangy build

Full lips

Self-confidence (but not to the point of arrogance)

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