Chapter three

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Week three_(Thursday)

I called Maya, asked her if she could pick me up.

"I was actually going to call you for that." She laughed.

I chuckled, "well, that's good, I'm already ready, so text me when you arrive."

"K hun, see ya." We hung up, I informed my parents about her.

I got into my room, trying to think about how I'm planning on telling her. Emma, my thirteen year old sister walked inside, eyes on her phone, she continued texting.

I sighed walking inside the attached bathroom, locking myself in, I started talking with myself and imagine Maya's reaction, and what she might say.

I heard my ringtone nine in the afternoon, and walked out of the bathroom, saw my sister staring at my phone screen, nosy much?

I took my phone, saw it's Maya, without answering, I hung up, took my hand bag, put on my gold sandals, I walked outside.

I got inside her car, and again I was greeted with strong perfume. I scrunched my nose, looking at her, "Seriously, do you have a nose problem?"

She rolled her eyes annoyed, "That doesn't matter now, tell me what's bothering you?"

I shrugged, "Nothing is bothering me, it's just that umm I don't know how to say this." I said nervously, fiddling with my fingers. Maybe I shouldn't say it...

"Well, when you're ready, say it." She started driving, music was the only thing filling the car.

It was minutes before I spilled, "I wanna visit The Brown family." I put my hands on my mouth.

Maya's eyes were wide as she continues to drive, "The Browns?", I nodded. She stopped at a red light, turned to me, "why?" She asked confused.

I shrugged, "I don't know, it's been a long time don't you think, I mean to be honest, I actually missed them." I said honestly.

She nodded understanding me, "Yeah, I missed them too." Then the last thing I wanted to hear from her, she just had to say it, "How long have you been thinking about it?" She asked.

"Yesturday." I felt my eyes getting dry, so I rubbed it.

"You're lying." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"What! No. I'm not lying, the thought came to me like yesterday." More like a year ago.

"Mmhmm, and I'll have to believe that?" She wasn't convinced, not even a little bit.

"Fine, don't believe me. I just wanted to visit them, that's all." I sighed.

She continued driving when the light turned green, "Visit them, or visit him?" She asked smirking like the evil person she is.

I glared at her, "Really Maya? Really?" She noticed my annoyance, and deepened her smirk.

"Oh come on Saph, don't act like it's not true. I know you." She wiggled her eyebrows in amusement.

Damn right she does, she knows me so well, that doesn't help me in some situations.

I rolled my eyes at her, "whatever." I mumbled.

"Is Saphy embawassed Coz she has a cwush on Ellie welie?" She asked using her baby voice.

"Maya shut up!!" I said, blushing uncontrollably, "I don't like him, I just miss him." I stared at my window, avoiding her gaze.

She laughed at me, "It's not healthy to deny your feelings for him." She said teasing me.

I scoffed, "I don't have "feelings" for him. Let's just forget about it." I said completely annoyed by her.

"Hey." She touched my shoulder, I turned around and met her serious gaze. "I was just trying to annoy you. But I guess you can't handle a few jokes." She sighed, "I'm sorry."

I gave her a soft smile, "Nah it's okay, I can't actually be mad at you."

"But seriously Saph, be honest with me, do you like him?"

Just as she asked that, we arrived, and she parked her car in the parking space, not in front of my grandpa's house as usual, but in front of his.

I stared at my hands, contemplating whether I should tell her the truth or not. Just tell her the truth, she knows better on what to do in these situations.

"I kinda have little feelings." I said shyly, I looked at her and saw her thinking, I let her be.

"I see." She nodded understandingly. After moments she looked at me, then gave me a sweet smile, "I have an idea, let me handle this, okay?" I nodded, knowing she's a smart and wise person, I trust her fully.

We talked in her car for awhile, but a tap on the window interrupted our talk, Maya looked behind me and smiled happily, I turned around and saw Rose, Elliot's younger sister, she's a few months older than me, so she'll turn seventeen next month, I think.

I smiled and waved at her, both Maya and I opened the door and got outside, I hugged Rose, greeted her, Maya did too. They started talking, and laughing, catching up a little, I just listened to them while smiling. Maya and Rose were really close, just like how Elliot and I were. Although they mostly talk, we used to play a lot, talking wasn't our thing.

"Oh my god Saph, you look beautiful and all grown up, looks like puberty hit ya pretty good." She winked, in which I return with with a blush and a smile. Rose might be sixteen, but she looks a lot older and more mature, which always made me think she's older than me, though she doesn't look like grandma old, but like a collage girl maybe.

"Thanks. You look beautiful too." I said shyly, she smiled toothfully.

"Hey, we should probably get inside. But Rose promise me that this is not going to be our last talk." Maya spoke.

"Of course, I miss you too, maybe you should come visit us, eat lunch together maybe and talk." Rose suggested excitedly.

Maya looked at me smiling, then to Rose, "Yes, we would love that. Are you okay with that Saph?" Maya asked me. I see where this is going.

I smiled, "Yes, of course I'm okay with that, Just tell me when."

Rose thought for awhile, "Hmm, how about Sunday? 2:30?" She asked us.

I nodded, saw Maya thinking if she was free, she's a busy person. She then nodded and said, "Sounds good to me." The two of us exchanged numbers with Rose, then said our goodbyes, and entered my grandpa's house.


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