Chapter five

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Week four_ (sunday)

I smiled a little, I opened my mouth to say something, when something unexpected happened, "BUUUURRRP". I covered my mouth with my hands, blushing so hard.

I can't believe it!! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.

Instead of saying something like "Hi Elliot, how are you?" Or "It's been a long time." Anything. But I just had to burp, and it wasn't any burp, it was the deep long one, the one you get after drinking soda. Jesus Saph, you really have done it.

Everyone was chuckling quietly, but Maya and Elliot, they were holding their stomach while they laugh like there's no tomorrow. Only Adam had scrunched his nose in disgust.

I thought this wasn't going to end, but Rose came by my side, put her hand on my shoulder, looking at Elliot amusingly, "Oh stop laughing Elliot, your making the girl feel embarrassed." She said, trying to hold her smile.

His laughing died down a bit, but smiled while chuckling, "she should be." He said looking at Rose.

She rolled her eyes at him, I started giggling a little, I'm so embarrassed it's so funny.

"Hey Joshua, how's it goin?" Maya walked towards Joshua, whose attention was on his phone.

"Hey." He said while texting.

Rose sighed, "well, since you met the whole family, I guess we should go eat. Lunch is ready." She said, leading us to the dining table.


Lunch was nice, Max kept asking questions, keeping the atmosphere friendly and not awkward, though I felt uncomfortable eating in front of Elliot, he kept glancing at me everytime I take a bite.

We were sitting in the living room, Maya sat next to Rose and started chatting with her, I unfortunately sat next to Elliot, who I thought was Joshua at first, but was mistaken when I made eye contact with him.

This is your chance. I took a deep breath, and turned to face Elliot who was texting. He felt my stare and looked up, his dark green eyes made contact with my brown ones. I smiled, "So Elliot, how are you?" Baby steps.

He rolled his eyes at me, got up, "I'll be in my room." Then walked away, without glancing at me. I looked at Maya who was frowning, she looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile, saying as if everything is going to be fine.

Hmm, it just doesn't feel right. "Uhh Rose, where's the restroom?" I asked.

"I'll show you." She said, getting up, she lead me to the restroom then left.

I went inside, locked the door behind me, took deep breaths as I stared at myself from the mirror.

I did my business, washed my hands then got out, Maya was standing in front of the door, waiting for me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me a little closer to her, "changing plans." She whispered.

I looked at her confused, "what?"

"Listen, Rose knows about your crush on him." She whispered quickly. My eyes widened at the news, so I said, "what! How?!" My voice louder than a whisper.

"I told her." I opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me when she spoke again,"Just listen to me, she was thrilled when I told her about you, and she wanted to help." Really?!!

"Really?" I asked surprised, she nodded her head yes. I wanna hug Rose so bad right now. I smiled happily, and so did Maya.

"Okay now listen, I thought of changing the plan. You, Rose and I will talk about it in her room." She said, I nodded. We both walked to thier living room. Adam was playing with Isaac, Ella and her husband were chatting with uncle Max, and Rose was watching watching a video from her phone.

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