Chapter eighteen

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Week eleven_ (Monday)

After sleeping for eight hours we finally got up, both Kristen and I washed our teeth, and went downstairs for breakfast.

Nathan was already there, eating his nutella sandwich, I grabbed "fitness" cereal and a bowl, poured some milk then started eating, Kristen made herself a nutella sandwich.

The first five minutes were silent. I don't know if it's just me, but I felt the tension in the room, I looked between Nathan and Kristen, and saw them both enjoying their breakfast. Is it just me?

"So Nathan," I called, he switched his attention from his phone and looked at me. "Did you sleep well?" I smirked.

My question was innocent, but I guess I was the only one who thought it was dirty, oh well.

He nodded slowly, "Yeah, why?"

I shrugged, "No reason." He went back to his phone.

I looked at Kristen and saw her glaring at me, so I wasn't the only one with the dirty mind. Hmm let me try this again, but differently this time.

"Yo Nathan," I heard him sigh, then looked at me, "was it good?" I smiled.

He looked at me confusedly, "what was good?" Oh boy.

"Oh you know, the thing.. last night," I scoffed, when he looked more lost than ever, "when you both kissed." I pointed at him and Kristen, who was half way putting her sandwich in her mouth, she stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "whatever Sapphire." He stood up and left upstairs. Aw shit.

"Hey, you didn't answer the question." I raised my voice, but I was only met with Kristen's laughter.

"See! I told you it was just a kiss, nothing else, stop living the fantasy girl... and stop shipping us, it's getting annoying." Kristen wore a smug smile, bitch I'll show you, I'll show ALL OF YOU.

I chuckled, "Never, I'll never stop your ship from sailing." I spook so confidently.

She rolled her eyes, then went back to eating her sandwich. Someday..


We sat on my bed, stuffed and bored, so we sat for a minute checking our instagram, twitter, facebook, ask, and all the social media in our phone.

After half an hour, my phone beeped, looking at my notification, oh my god.. OH MY GOD!

"Kristen," I calmly called her.

"Yeah?" She looked at me questioningly, when she saw me not answering, she came closer, "what?"

Right after that, her phone beeped, she looked at her phone, then looked at me with wide eyes, "OH MY GOD! SHE UPDATED HER STORY!" She screamed in total happiness.

That's when I broke down in squealing, and clapping my hands like a little girl, "It's been like a month, and now my prayer has finally been answered, hallelujah."

We both opened our wattpad, "We gonna read this together okay?.. shit I'm so excited." She whispered the last part.

We both hugged each other, if anyone came and saw us like this, they might think we were just having a serious emotional moment.

"Okay, no more wasting time and let's read." We opened who's afraid of the big bad wolf by an amazing writer named janie1617 and started reading. Every now and then we would squeal or look at each other with a smirk.

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