Chapter nineteen

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Week fourteen_ (Thursday)

Nathan parked his car near my grandpa's house, I got out and walked fastly towards the house, ignoring the boy looking at me. Elliot.

It's been almost three weeks, I didn't try to talk to him and neither did he. I decided that I was going to talk to him, but not now, I just needed time to calm down. But I did notice how he wanted to tell me something everytime he was close enough but always stops himself from doing so.

Right when I was about to open the front door, Rose called me, "Sapphire!"

I turned around and smiled, I saw her approaching me, Nathan entered the house, after greeting Rose.

"Hey," I hugged her, "How's it goin?"

She shrugged, "I'm good, but I haven't seen you lately, I missed you." She frowned.

I felt my heart squeeze, I didn't realize that by ignoring Elliot, I would ignore Rose, it wasn't fair for her, I really miss her.

"I missed you too." I frowned.

"So what have you been up to lately?" She asked.

I shrugged, "nothin much."

"Why don't you come to our house." She suggested excitedly.

I gave her a tight smile, "okay, why not?"

You can't run anymore Sapphire, grow some girl balls.

We agreed to meet in Sunday, Maya and I.


Week fifteen_ (Sunday)

"Come in." Rose greeted us.

We both got in, my heart started pumping fast, my hands were getting sweaty, my knees were feeling weak.

Pull yourself together Sapphire.

We walked towards the dining table, and ate lunch, "So Maya, how's Brad?" Rose asked.

Maya immediately blushed, but waved it off, "oh you know, same old same old, nothin new." She was biting his lips. She's lying!

"Maya." I said suspiciously.

She looked at me with innocent eyes, batting her eyelashes, "Yes?"

Rose scoffed, "You were obviously lying, tell us what happened girl."

Maya laughed, "I can't tell you here, we have to be in somewhere more private."

Rose rolled her eyes, "well then, let's go to my room."

We all got up, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and lips with soup, then went to Rose's room. We sat on her bed.

Maya started smiling to herself, fiddling with her fingers.

"So?" I asked, leaning closer to her.

She bit her lips, then whispered, "he asked me out on a date."

Rose and I stared at her with wide eyes, no one dared to speak, the information was slowly sinking in our minds.

"He what!?" I asked shockingly.

"He asked me out on a date." She replied, more louder than before.

Rose and I started squealing and giggling, saying non sense stuff to Maya about planning her wedding and honeymoon.

Maya looked at us with terrified eyes, "hold your horses girls, ain't nobody getting married, you hear me?" She sassed at us.

I laughed, "okay okay, so he asked you out. What did you say?" I'm stupid I know.

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