Katniss vs Bella (1)

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Katniss doesn't need saving

As soon as Bella meets Edward, she is dependent on him. Without him, she is a clumsy idiot who can't even walk without tripping on her own two feet. Shes the exact opposite of independent, as seen in the movies. The minute he leaves her, she crawls into a fetal position, goes into a deep depression for MONTHS, and jumps off a cliff. Perfect role model, eh?

Katniss, on the other hand, is completely self reliant. She hunts to feed her family, cares for her little sister, (so much so that she risks her life for her by volunteering), and even helps Peeta in the arena when he is dying of blood poisoning.

I mean there's no real comparison here, Bella can't lift a finger unless her vampire boyfriend does it for her, while Katniss does all she can to save her loved ones in a world of chaos and destruction.

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