Twihards PM's (1)

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I have gotten a pretty insulting/hysterical PM, and although it didn't bother me one bit because the person was obviously either a child, or just simply unintelligible, I thought I would share only the highlight of their message, as it made me laugh really, really hard.

"Twilight is more better than the hunger games because katnis is idiot and the hunger games will never be better too because it is not made with a brain and every thing in there is jumble of words and it sucks, twilight 4ever bcuz it is amazing and u r just jealous, bcuz nothing is better then twilight.. Burned u."

1. Katniss*.... KATNISS***

2. Katniss*** is incredibly smart, are you kidding me? You try feeding your entire family at the age of eleven (or, right now, as that is my guess of your age.)
You try surviving in an arena, an arena in which 23 other tributes are out to kill you! (Well, actually, maybe 22 because Rue and Peeta you know..)

She survived, and no idiot could live through what Katniss did. If your precious Bella were in an arena, Johanna would throw that axe into Bella's empty skull within seconds, and all Bella could do to defend herself would be to cry out Edwards name. Booooooooo.

3. Jumble of words? Not well thought out? You're kidding me right? Even the little details ended up being a part of the storyline. There is a whole bunch of symbolism in there, and youre telling me that it required no brain to make it? Here's a few examples: the Dandelions, the bread, the Mockingjay's, the dress in Catching Fire. So shh, because you don't really know anything about stories being well thought out, because you read Twilight.

All Stephanie Meyer had to do was slap a boring girl into a boring town, and have her meet a creepy vampire and a werewolf with anger issues. The Volturi comes, they have a little counseling session with each other like wusses, and then the end; Edward and Bella end up together and Jacob ends up with a child!

4. In my personal opinion, there are many things better then Twilight. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Pizza, Chocolate, Netflix, food in general, animals of all kinds, sleep, you know, the list goes on and on.

5. Finally, I am not, nor will I ever be, jealous of Twilight, because I don't like it.

And, no, I don't think you burned me. 😉

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