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Emily’s POV: “FBI really. Let me see your badges.” I said with a smirk. They grabbed their badges and showed me. I grabbed them “Dean Ford and Sam Hamill your parents had no taste in names did they.” “Yes they did. I think Dean Ford sounds great!” “Plus these badges are fake.” Dean looked surprised. “How do you know miss I’m so smart?” “Because they look just like my fake ID!” Sam, Dean, and Bobby all looked at me. What could I say I was aggravated. “There nice almost look real who did you get them from. Oh and one other thing I would like to know who the hell you people are and where the fuck I am!” They all looked at me like I was a nutball. “Your in Sioux Falls, South Dakota darling.” Bobby stated. “I line in New York! That’s half way across the country.” “We travel a lot.” “Who the fuck are you people?” They started looking at each other.

“So your telling me all children’s worst fears are real?” “Yes” “And you guy’s hunt and kill them?” “Yes” “So what was that guy that that grabbed me?” “A demon” “What was the guy who kept popping up in front of me?” “An angel” “So angels are real too?” “Yes” “Oh wow what time is it?” “7:20 in the morning” I got really worried “What day is it?” “October 5th it’s a Saturday.” “Shit!” It had been three days science I was home. My father was defiantly going to kill me. “Are you alright?” Sam asked with a puzzled look on his face. I guess I had been very moody the last three days. “Why didn’t you guys take her home?” It was Cas,  I must have took a trip into space. “You see Cas, we sort of, we told her Cas.” Sam finally managed to stutter out. I sat there looking like a little kid not understanding what was going on. Cas stared at me like I was a shiny object. He then signaled for Sam and Dean to follow him. Bobby was passed out in the chair. I waited about a minute and a half and got up. I eavesdropped for another minute but couldn’t understand anything. I then made my entrance. “What ya takin about.” Cas gave me the annoyed 'shut up and leave' face. Sam and Dean both looked at me.  “Cas you’re the babysitter me and Sam will go get food.” Dean said breaking Castiel’s weird stare. “I don’t need a babysitter I’m sixteen!” I pouted not wanting to deal with Cas and all his weirdness. “You do until we take you home.” Dean said. “I don’t want to go home!” “Your parents probably miss you and are very worried.” “No he’s probably glad I’m gone and hopes I’m dead.” “What do you mean?” Sam said as a tear fell from my eye. So it was my turn to tell them my story. “I was tossed around fosters homes until I was eight. My former mom and dad adopted me. Four years after they adopted me my mom passed away. My dad started to numb the pain with alcohol. But when he was drunk he would abuse me. And that’s my story.” “Oh I’m sorry.” Sam was the one who I would call sweet, Dean was more of a badass, Bobby was a nice old drunk, but Cas didn’t like me. “Lets go Sam.” Nobody put up a fight. I was tired and sad. As I let the tears flow from my eyes Cas sat next to mw and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried for the next five minutes. I started to doze off on his damp trench coat. Finally I fell asleep.

I hoped you liked this chapter. I thought it was pretty good. I didn't set this in a cirten time in the supernatural sieries. The next chapter will be on wattpad soon.

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