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Castiel's POV: I was back at the motel, Sam and Dean told me to meet them here. "Cas did you know?" "Know what?" "That Emily was are sister?" "I knew for a little while." "Why didn't you tell us Cas we deserved to know!" "Why didn't you tell me you were going to ask her to be a hunter!" In a few days they were going to take her on her first hunt. They were going to go behead a bunch of vampires putting her in danger. "Because it really wasn't any of your business!" Dean didn't understand I was in love with Emily. My heart pounded when she is around. But, I could never be with her, she is a human and I am an angel. Plus, I don't think she likes me back. "I'm sorry I should have told you. I was waiting for the right moment." "Cas you can't keep hiding things from us." "I know I'm sorry." "Ok so Cas we need some back up when we take Emily on her first hunt. Will you be able to?" "Yes"

Emily's Hunt

We climbed into the Impala, I still didn't like the idea of going into the nest with Emily. "I will go with Emily, Sam you'll go with Cas." Dean was smart he would be able to protect Emily. Right? Of course he could. When we got to the abandoned warehouse Emily was the first one out of the car. I could tell she was excited. Dean opened the trunk up and pulled four machetes. We headed into the warehouse it had two sets of stairs. Me and Sam went up the first set of stairs and Emily and Dean went up the next set. By the time we seen Emily and Dean we had already killed six vampires. We all headed up another set of steps only to find a room full of vampires. And here we go.

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