Headfirst slide into a freezing cold fountain

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title inspiration- headfirst slide into Cooperstown on a bad bet; fall out boy
Aaron's POV

When we got to the hotel, I walked straight into the room I had requested without looking at anyone. Cameron followed in soon after, with Jaya tagging along. "Did you tell Nash and Hayes?" I asked her. She nodded, smiling. "Hayes seemed nervous but Nash is totally cool." Then she looked in the mirror and gasped. "What, what's wrong?" I said, jumping up from where I had sat down on one of the beds. "Don't tell me I looked like that the whole trip here." she said, putting a hand over her mouth. "God I went out in public looking like this?" She said, turning away, eyes red and lips quivering. She looked fine to me and Cameron looked confused so I guess he thought the same. "Jaya, you look fine." Cameron said. "Are you kidding? I look like a monster." she said loudly. Cameron shook his head and walked over to her. She ran into the bathroom before he could get there. Slamming the door in his face, I heard the click of the lock and heard her soft sobs. "Is it really that big a deal?" Cameron whispered to me. "I think it's mostly the stress of the last 24 hours." I mumbled. Then I got up, and walked over to the door. "Jaya. Please come out. You looked perfect just like always." I was expecting her to scream like in all the drama movies I had seen, but that didn't happen. Instead, the lock clicked again and she opened the door. She had tears streaming down her face, and all her makeup was off. She looked at me and Cameron, and then went to lay on one of the beds. She groaned. "Why does this tour have to be so stressful?" I heard her say. Cam sat down on the floor beside her bed. "It's just hard. Magcon is getting old man. I think this could quite possibly be our last tour." he said. As if on call, I heard Bart yelling at us to gather. "Hey guys, I just wanted to talk to you about some things." he said. "I understand that this tour has been really stressful and we haven't been getting the same amount of numbers like we used to. After this tour, I'm going to be giving some serious thought to pulling the plug on Magcon." A chorus of yelling and protesting proceeded to bombard Bart. "What?" "Why?" "You can't do this!" "Is this a joke?" Taylor tapped me on the arm. "Dude, it's about to blow up. Do you wanna get out of here?" I nodded. I went to my room and grabbed a jacked, my phone, and my wallet along with my key. "Aaron where are you going?" Hayes asked, leaning in my doorway. He looked angry and was probably about to go yell at Bart, but he was over here for some reason. "Taylor and I are gonna get out of here before everyone starts fighting." I admitted. His eyes lit up. "Can I come? Please?" he begged. "Go ask Taylor." I said, seeing as it was his idea. He left, calling for Taylor. I decided to change quickly and look a little nicer. When I got back to Taylor, yelling was already starting. Hayes was there too. "So where are we going?" I asked Taylor as we walked into the lobby of the hotel. "Well considering its 8 at night, I figured pizza would be fine." he said. Hayes and I both nodded. "So Magcon ending. Wouldn't that be something else?" he said after a minute. "I think it would get back together again soon. Maybe without Bart, and maybe some new faces, not all of the old faces." Hayes said. "Why do you think that?" I asked. "Because Bart said one of the reasons why the tour was ending was because there weren't as many people coming. Well, can you imagine how far the news will go around the internet when Magcon breaks up? The fans we have will show their friends. 'This was what I liked.' and their friends will think its pretty cool, so they'll become fans too. And the numbers would go back up if Magcon started up again." "Damn Hayes. Why aren't you our manager?" Taylor said. "I don't care either way. I'm staying active on social media so the fans have something." he continued. "I think Jaya should start singing." Hayes said. "She can sing?" I asked. "Yeah. She's really good. And she can rap like hell. I have a video from when she was little." he said, pulling out his phone. He pulled up a video of a very small Jaya. She was standing on a couch because she was trying to see a piece of paper. "I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing...." he paused it because we arrived at the restaurant. "No. Let's stay out here for a minute. I want to hear this."

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