Lying is the most fun a girl can have without breaking down

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title inspiration- lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off- Panic! At The Disco
Jaya's POV
As soon as I got back, I started telling people I was fine. Cameron was asking if I wanted coffee, Jack J was trying to sit me on the couch, and Carter was looking for the sweatshirt I stole from Shawn. But I wasn't fine. My little sister had run away because of us. She was afraid of the yelling and screaming, of the slamming doors, the tears, and the running. So she had left. Luckily, my twin brother had found her, and brought her to me and my older brother. But my older brother was crushed by the weight of the whole ordeal. That combined with the news that the thing that had made him so happy was ending had been too much for him, and he had broken down in an alley, crying and shaking. He couldn't handle the fact that while looking for his little sister, he had gotten lost with his other sister in a city he didn't know without a phone. He didn't know what to make of the fact that he was a mess, and he had three siblings and thousands of fans looking up to him. He didn't know what he was going to do. And neither did I. I couldn't go back to my studio in Miami. It didn't seem right. I didn't feel right staying with my own family, and it felt like pity was the only thing driving them to have me. My closest friends on the tour were the biggest messes in the whole group. Taylor, who wasn't even eating right, and Aaron, who hadn't slept properly in weeks. Maybe I would stay with Aaron. He had told me that he was bringing Taylor home with him. "To keep an eye on him" he said, but I knew what he meant. We were both worried about Taylor, and he definitely knew it, but he refused to accept that he needed help. So when Taylor walked out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him, I just stood there and looked at him for a second. He held out his arms and I ran to him. Everything that had happened hit me all at once and I just started crying. "Hey, you're gonna be ok." He said to me. "You're gonna be ok, too, Taylor." I said, feeling his ribs digging into me. He brought me into his room, where we were met with a sleeping Aaron. "Thank god." Taylor said. "I told him I would eat more tomorrow if he tried to sleep." I nodded. "I wanted to ask him something." I said. "What was it?" Taylor asked from his bed, where he was curled up and taking small bites out of a very small apple. "I wanted to know if I could stay with him for a while. I think Nash and Hayes need to sort some things out between them." I said. "Is that what you think Jaya?" A new voice said angrily from behind me.

Hayes POV
I heard it all. There was nothing for me to sort out with Nash. We were fine. At least I thought we were, unless there was something he wasn't telling me. Jaya turned around and went pale. "Hayes, I just think it would be a good idea for you to talk about everything that's happened. Without me." She tried to defend herself but I wasn't having it. "Jaya I just got you back and now you want to leave me again? Are we not good enough for you? After everything we've done?" I yelled. She backed away from me. "Hayes, you can't possibly think that's what I meant...." she trailed off. "Oh I know what you mean, Jaya. We're not good enough. You want to go crawling to Aaron and Taylor like they're the ones that gave you your life back. Like Taylor could even give you half the things you want, or Aaron could really be there for you." At this point, Jaya looked like she was about to cry, Taylor had stood up and was standing next to her, and Aaron had woken up. "Hayes, you've done so much for me, but I think you and Nash need to talk about what you're going to do without Magcon." She said quietly. "Well I guess we'll also babe to figure out what to do without you" I said sarcastically. She started to cry, but something inside of me snapped and I kept going. "You think you can just leave? You're a Grier. You have nowhere else to go!" "Why are you being so unreasonable, Hayes?" She said. "Why are you being so dumb?!" I screamed and I didn't realise what I had done until everything went silent, and her hand went to her cheek. I had just smacked Jaya across the face. "Oh my god Jaya I'm so-" "No Hayes." Taylor cut me off. "I swear I'll do anyth-" "Hayes, you've done enough" Aaron said. I stood there for a minute, while Jaya pressed he face against Taylor's chest and Aaron sat on the other side of her, stroking her hair. "Please just let me-" "Get out!" They both yelled at the same time. I walked out the door, and immediately ran into Shawn and Carter. "Dude, what just happened in there? Shawn asked? I shook my head and tried to walk away. Carter grabbed my arm. "Hayes, what did you do?" he said seriously. I opened my mouth, and then closed it. "Did you guys fight?" Shawn asked. I nodded. "And then what happened?" Carter said, taking Shawn's lead. All of a sudden I saw myself doing it. I heard it all over again, and i felt my hand touch her face. I heard her cry and I saw myself lowering my arm. "I hit Jaya." I said before breaking down into tears.

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