Lost boys

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•title inspiration- lost boy; Troye Sivan
Aaron's POV
I went back to sleep after waking Taylor up to go see Jaya and Nash. It was cold in the room, but I wasn't going to steal blankets from Taylor. I was woken up by Hayes yelling and Jays looking terrified. I'd never seen her like this before. She was shaking, and had her knees drawn up to her chest. It was like she was trying to protect herself from him. And then he slapped her. Taylor was there in a second, wrapping her up in a hug. Hayes seemed to realise what he'd done, and tried to apologise, but we sent him out. I heard him talking to Shawn and Carter down the hall, and then he started crying. "I want to see Nash." she mumbled. I got up to go find him. Shawn tried to stop me. "Dude, what happened in there?" He asked me. "I'll tell you later, man. Do you know where Nash is?" I asked. "Yeah he's in Cameron's room with Matthew." I walked down the hall to find Matt, Nash and Cam sitting on the floor watching a movie on Cam's laptop. "Hey Nash. Jaya wants you in Taylor's room." He got up. When we got out, he looked at me and asked, "what did Carter do?" "Woah man. Carter didn't do anything. Hayes did." Nash looked at me. "What. Did. He. Do?" He said, like he was trying not to scream at me. "He um- he hit her. Hard." I said. Nash stopped. He looked around for a minute. "Where is that little bastard?" He growled. "Woah woah woah. Jaya wants to see you. Talk to him after." I said quickly. He nodded, and we continued walking to the room. Luckily, Shawn, Carter and Hayes had moved out of the hallway. Sky had gone to watch a movie with Matt and Cameron. Nash walked in and saw Jaya crying into Taylor's shirt. He walked over and put a hand on her back. She turned around and we both gasped. Her cheek was bruised and slightly swollen already. "Taylor, can you please get me some ice for my face?" She asked timidly. "Of course, hon. Aaron, come with me" I grabbed an ice bucket from the bathroom and left her with Nash. "Nash. Don't let anyone in." Taylor said.
Taylor's POV
As we walked to the ice machine on another floor, Aaron wouldn't look at me. He looked everywhere but my face. "That's crazy, man." I said. "I didn't think Hayes had it in him to even raise his voice at her." he said. I noticed he wasn't wearing any shoes. "Dude where are your shoes?" I asked, laughing slightly. He looked down. "I have no idea man. Do you think Jaya would want to stay with me after Magcon?" He asked. "Yeah. She was actually going to ask you that. And then, you know...." I stopped and filled up the bucket. "Yeah. I got my own house, and it's weird being the only person in it." He said, kicking the ground. "Aww is Aaron lonely?" I said, teasing. He shrugged. "Dude why did they even let you buy a house? You're like 12." He smiled. "You're only two years older than me." We got the ice and when we got back, I realised I didn't have the key. "Umm...." Aaron said. He had his arms wrapped around himself and he looked like he was holding tight enough to crack ribs. "Dude what are you doing?" I asked as I knocked. "No idea. I want to get back into the room." He said. Matthew opened the door after several more knocks. "What's up with Hayes?" He asked as I walked in. "I'll tell you later, bro." He nodded. I walked in to Jaya asleep on the bed with Nash sitting next to her on the floor. "She uh.... fell asleep while talking?" He said like he didn't quite believe it. He shook her awake and she slowly opened her eyes. I held out the ice and she pressed it to her face, wincing at how cold it was. Aaron slowly backed out of the room as Shawn walked by. They whispered something to each other and walked to another room. A few minutes later I saw Matt walk into the same one. I heard the door click shut and lock. I kind of felt left out, but then again, I didn't even know what they were doing. They could have been having a gay threesome. I never did find out. "Taylor." Nash said, snapping me out of it. Jaya was asleep again. "Come with me. We're going for a walk." he said. I grabbed a jacket and a key this time, and we walked out the door. "So what exactly happened? Jaya didn't get around to telling me the whole thing." I collected everything I wanted to say for a moment. "Well, Jaya came into my room after you two came back. She was saying that she thought she should come back and stay with Aaron so you and Hayes could talk some things out. Hayes heard her and just flipped out." I said. He nodded. "Being with just Hayes might not be a bad idea." He said. "I mean, even Jack and Jack aren't always with Nate and Sammy." I didn't know Jack, Jack, Sammy and Nate could be separated except for Magcon, but I believed it. "If she wants to stay with you and Aaron, that's fine with me. I don't care what Hayes says." he said. "I never said I was gonna be there." I protested. "Well you are, aren't you?" He asked, laughing slightly. I nodded, blushing. "So Hayes is turning into me of the past." he said quietly. "What?" I asked, thoroughly confused. "I used to.... put more force into Jaya's life than necessary." he said cautiously. I didn't ask any questions. "It was real dumb, but that's behind me now." he continued. I checked my phone. I had two missed calls from Aaron. "Aaron called me. Do you mind?" I asked. He shook his head, so I dialed. "Where are you?!" Aaron nearly screamed as soon as he picked up. "Dude, chill. I'm with Nash. I didn't run off or anything." I said. I heard him sigh. "Don't do that to me." "OK, mom. Sorry. I'll be back soon." I said. Aaron hung up. "You guys are so married." Nash commented, laughing lightly. I shrugged. "Best friends are supposed to be like that, right?" I said. Nash shrugged. "C'mon man. I'll buy you a coffee." We walked into Starbucks. "Oh my god! Are you Nash Grier?" a girl screamed. "Yeah, yeah I am!" Nash said, holding out his arms to the girl. She smiled. "Can we get a picture?" Nash nodded and she pulled out her phone. I stepped back, and the girl started to take a selfie. "Do you want Taylor in the picture too?" Nash asked. The girl's face wrinkled. "Gross. Why would I want a picture with him?" she said. She took her picture and left. "I'm sorry-" I cut him off. "It's fine. People come for you, Cameron and Shawn. They don't come for me." I said. Nash ordered his drink and turned to me. "What has the least calories?" I asked. Nash looked at me weirdly. "Um, the chai tea latte only has 26 calories if you get a grande." the girl at the counter said. (I have no knowledge of Starbucks nutrition.) "I'll take a tall. With coconut milk." "Coconut and a tall brings it down to 17 calories, if you were wondering." she said as she processed our orders. She didn't ask our names, as there was no one else in the place. "What's taking you guys so long?" Aaron texted me while I sat, sipping my drink. "We stopped at Starbucks." I responded. I started to feel guilty for not getting him anything. "Did you get anything?" He asked. "Tall chai tea latte with coconut milk. It has 17 calories." I said. "Taylor. Get something to eat." I sighed. "What?" Nash asked, looking up from his phone. "Aaron wants me to get something to eat." I said simply. "I guess I haven't eaten. Didn't notice." "Do you want anything?" I asked Aaron. "I want a venti hot chocolate. I'm freezing. I'll pay you back when you get here." I rolled my eyes. "Can I have a plain bagel, a red velvet cookie, and a venti hot chocolate with caramel flavor?" I asked. The girl eyed me. "It's for my friend." I said quickly. "No, I wasn't judging you, I was just wondering how good of a friend you must be if you're paying for a venti with extra premium flavor." I laughed. "Don't pay me back. I got you a cookie too." I responded. "What did you get yourself?" he asked. "I got a plain bagel." Nash stood up as I came back. "Do you want to eat it here?" "No. I don't want Aaron's drink to get cold." I said. We quickly walked and Nash carried the food because I had both hands wrapped around Aaron's drink. My hands were cold. When I got in to my room, Aaron was asleep on his bed. I set down his drink and food, and sat down across from him, tightly gripping the bagel and sipping on the latte. Aaron woke up as I shifted. He sat up and looked around before he saw the drink. "You are a gem, Taylor." he said, wrapping both hands around the cup tightly. "I put the caramel flavoring in it." I said. "Taylor. Let me pay you back." I shook my head and unwrapped the bagel. I took a tiny bite, but Aaron smiled. He unwrapped the cookie and broke a piece off. He held it out to me, looking really hopeful. I slowly took it from him. "Your hands are really cold." he said. I looked down at the chunk he had given me. It was pretty big. But he looked at me, so I took a bite. I could practically taste all the calories. But I ate the whole piece, and then went back to working my way through the bagel. "You're doing good, Taylor." he nodded. I shivered. "I didn't realise how cold it was in here." he smiled. "Come here." He pulled up the blanket. I crawled under, setting my drink on the dresser. "Taylor, you're doing really good. I'm proud of you." he mumbled. I could tell he was close to being asleep. "Thanks Aaron. Thanks for helping me." I felt his breath on my back and I knew he was asleep. I crawled out of the bed and walked into the main room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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