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Eren's pov:
Thanks to Levi I'm losing my popularity. Ugh. I know we're soul mates but he had a point. We don't get along. Plus the main reason I'm loosing my popularity with him is because he's poor as fuk. I'm rich as hell. But i mean, he's mysterious. I don't know much about him and others don't know much about him either. I was walking down the hall with my best friend Armin. He then said,"so what I'm understanding is that.. Your guy's shifting was a mistake? The kiss wasn't planned? You don't get along? And you guys don't want anything to do together?" The last part instantly made me shake my head. Armin then said, "ahh. I see, so you guys do want something together? Or is it just you?" " Tsk. What makes you think that I'd fall for a cheap person like him?" He frowned and said,"Eren.. Don't say that. Not everyone is rich and not everyone has a perfect life." "Hmmm that's not my problem " he sighed and said,"how are you even sure he's poor? I mean he is mysterious..." . Just then I saw Levi walking down the hall with Hanji. He was texting and Hanji was yapping away. We passed by each other but we didn't say a word. It was complete silence. We just continued to walk. I went to my class and so did Armin. Armin then took out a book and plopped it on my table. I was confused. He then said,"I'll ask you some questions and you'll answer them with the truth." "Okay" he then began, "do you feel like you have to be next to your soul mate at certain times?" "Armin what the hell are you asking? I don-" "just answer the questions!" "Okay okay... Yes. Sometimes" "okay. Do you feel like your attracted to him?" "Nope" "oh.. Okay. Do you get jealous?" "Ha! No." He then nodded and said,"thank you for cooperating" I sighed. We talked a bit more and then the bell rang. Class starts, most of us get up and leave to go to our next class. I walked to my class and saw Levi was already there. I took my seat next to him. Hanji sat in the other side of him. I then said, "thanks for ruining my life" "it's your own fault. This wouldn't have happened if you were just never there" "oh so it's my fault?!" "Always has been" "tsk. Your just jealous that I'm rich" "shut up. You May be rich but your attitude is poor as fuk" "oh sure. Whatever, you just can't admit that it's your fault!" "Shut up. At least I can live without money" "take that back!" "As if." "I swear..." "You swear what?" "Nothing. Just...just stay away from me" "says the one who just had to sit next to me" "oh be quiet. I'm trying to offend you here" "Tch" he rolled his eyes and the teacher walked in. The teacher began to teach us. He then made us pick partners. I got up and walked away. Hanji ran to Levi even though she was already sitting next to him. I smiled at Petra and she rolled her eyes. I sighed. I looked at my friends Connie, Jean, and Sasha but they all ignored me. This all started when They saw that me and Levi were soul mates. I gritted my teeth. I turned to look at Levi and he was sitting down talking with Hanji and Petra. I felt my blood boil. I'm losing my popularity while he's still happy! That's not fair! Tsk. I wish.. I just wish I could tear my wolf ears and wolf tail off! I don't want them! I felt angry and annoyed. Stupid wolf ears and wolf tail! Armin was my parter for the project. After class I glared daggers at Levi. My blood boiling. I then walked out of the room glaring at him one last time. He simply rolled his eyes. The next class i did the same. When it was lunch I went and sat at my usual spot. Armin came and took a book out. He then said,"look!" I looked at what he was pointing at and read it aloud, "when soul mates stay away from each other too long they begin to attract to each other and slowly fall in lo-. Oh hell no!" "It's what the book says" "like I would fall for that?!" I pointed at levi and felt myself regret what i said. I pointed at him when he looked far too cute to insult. He was smiling while his head was tilted to the side and his wolf ears doing the same. Armin then said, "others sure would" I couldn't say anything. I was captivated by him. Then Armin waved a hand in front of my face and said,"Eren! Are you sure your not falling for him?" "N-no! I'm not!" "Then..?" "Is there any way we can break the soul mate thingie?" "Hmm.. I don't think so" "there has to be!" "Fine...i think it breaks when... Both of you..." He looked into the book and nodded then he said,"yep. It breaks when the both of you have an official hatred towards each other meaning that you both don't want anything to do with each other. Also a hard sad break up." "But that doesn't make any sense! We both already don't like each other!" "No.. I think you both aren't sure about your feelings towards each other" I sighed and said."we hate each other. We hate,hate,hate! Each other!" "Sure..." He rolled his eyes and the bell rang. Next class.

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