Eren is 'back'

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Levi's pov:
Hmm.. Right when we were getting along he turned back to normal. Well, I guess he really has something against me. I decided to leave before he tries to pick a fight like last time. I went to the kitchen where Mikasa was at. She was making pancakes. She looked at me and said,"is your Boyf-" "no." "He's not gonna stay ov-" "no." "Oh... Ok" she smiled and said,"remember when mom taught us how to make pancakes?" "...yeah.." "Dad never learned..." "But dad taught us..well.. You know..." She nodded and sighed. She then said, "sometimes I wonder if we should thank him or not... I mean... Thanks to him we're wealt-" "shhhh.." "Oh right...sorry. But we also have to keep in mind that we can never leave..." "Mhm.. But it's what we were born to do.. If not then we'd be dead by now" "hmm... I guess so.." Hanji walked in and said,"guys... I think we should stay silent  for more time especially since Levi.. Ehem.. Found his.. And his... doesn't know..." I rolled my eyes and Mikasa said,"hou? You don't like him?" I sighed and looked at her. She laughed and said,"I see... Well it's ok. You don't need him to survive." "Mhm" Hanji then said,"don't agree with him on that! Mikasa you're gonna find your soul mate one day too and you can't just leave them after finding them!" "But-" "no buts! Some people die without finding their soul mates! Being lonely their whole lifetime! So you should all be grateful for finding your soul mate!" She sighed and said,"yeah.. I guess so.." Eren was taking a long time but I didn't care. He probably is trying to sneak away from this "poor" house before we see him.

Eren's pov:
I was drying my hair in the bathroom as I looked into the mirror. I saw my brown wolf ears. I smiled as I looked at them. My tail swished slowly form side to side. I felt sad tho... What's the point of finding your soul mate when you're gonna be mean to them? I sighed as my ears slowly went down along with my tail. I didn't know what to do or say to make it up to...Levi. I felt a knot at my throat. I made sure my hair was mostly dry before I stepped out. They seemed to be talking about some weird life time stuff or something. I looked out the window to see the rain stopping. I sighed and Hanji came back from the kitchen. She saw me and said,"are you gonna leave already?" "Eheh... Well the rain's stopped a bit but..." I sighed and she said,"you messed up again?" "Yeah... But this time..I.. I didn't mean to.. I really didn't.." She sighed and said,"did you say something about being rich?" "Yeah but...we, we were getting along so well..and I....I blew it." "Ahh..I see.. Well Eren. Levi's always playing hard to get with anyone who tries to dominate him." "But...I..." "I think it's better if you left and think about your next move.." "Ok..." I got my sweater and said bye to Mikasa and Levi. Mikasa said bye but levi didn't. I sighed as I waved bye to Hanji as I walked out. I went to my car and got in.
I started my car and headed home.

• • •

I woke up to my alarm clock annoying the hell out of me. I got dressed and though of what i would tell Levi. Hmm. I checked my phone and quickly left with time to spare. I bought some roses and headed out. When I arrived at school I saw Connie, Jean, and Sasha. I sighed. I walked out and made sure to get my sweater. It seemed like it was gonna rain again. Maybe I can give Levi a ride today! Yeah! And maybe I can make it all up to him! Yeah! I walked out with the roses as Sasha said,"oooo for who?" "For um..." "Poor kid. His soul mate" "eh..." Jean laughed and said,"really?! Lots of pretty girls here and you're gonna give the roses to someone who probably can't even afford them? Pffft..ahaha!" "Hey! He can afford them" "i was just saying geez... Can't anyone mess around with you anymore?" I felt hurt. "J-just shut up" soon enough Ymir,Annie, and  Reiner came. I haven't talked to them for a long time. Especially since the Levi and me incident. I can't...I just can't let them think less of me. I went to a random girl and gave  her roses, I made sure she was pretty. She blushed but accepted them. I walked back over and said,"happy?"  Jean laughed and nodded. Ymir said,"I see Eren is back.." "Fuk yeah i am" Reiner then said,"oi has anyone seen Bert?" "No.." Ymir then broke the awkwardness and said, "so did anyone hear about to the new kids coming in" "again?" "Mhm..." I'm fitting in again! We walked further into the school when we saw Ms.Rico waiting for someone. Or at least it looked like she was waiting. We just kept walking when I herd her mumble, "just where are they?!" She then called someone... I slowed down and herd her say,"ahh levi! Yes...mhm. Yes of course. Mhm... Hanji has them?...Yeah ok.. No problem.. Just remember to come by my office. Yes ok bye" she then walked in. I quickly walked faster to catch up with the rest. Jean then said,"Eren remember there's football practice" "yeah..."

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