A Small Prank

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Chapter 4

(Stacy's POV)

Well you said that Jesse was coming to get me, right Doubleday?"

"Yea. And now that our mind's are back on Jesse, I have a question."

"What kinda question?"

"Hey I'm the one asking questions here."

"Psh whatever. Get outta here." I'm currently standing at my bedroom door waiting to go in. When he started talking I continued walking assuming he would just give up but he didn't. So now I'm at my bedroom door trying to get him to leave.

"I'm not gonna leave. You leave."

"This is my house!"

"So? I'm pretty sure the others like me more."

"Well I'm the one paying rent. So leave." I point my finger down the hall where the others are.

"Ugh. Fine. But we're gonna talk about this eventually."

"No we're not," I yell at him as I run into my bedroom.

So I throw on something beside what I have on because I currently have on a random t-shirt I haven't washed in two days and some shorts that are way too short to wear in public. I throw my shirt off and realize I don't have my dresser out yet, Crap. That means my shirts aren't all in there. I'm gonna have to search. I know what to do. I think as I'm looking for a shirt. I go over to my stereo and find the AUX cord. I search up Pink Fluffy Unicorns, plug in my phone, and turn it up all the way. But I didn't just search up Pink Fluffy Unicorns, I searched the 10 hour screamo version. I hear a few screams from surprise and know I have done my job well. I start to giggle and run to the door to lock it. I then proceed to search for a shirt as I hear Lacey, Lauren, and Doubleday, all run to my door and start banging on it.

"What the hell?" one of them yells.

"Turn it off. Please!" another one yells.

"What? I can't hear you!" I yell back at them as I finally find a shirt to put on. The shirt I found isn't very fancy. Just a Panic! At The Disco band tee. Of course I'd find a P!ATD shirt. I swear half my closet is of Panic! merch. Regardless, now it's time for to find some pants. "Pants. I need some pants." I start singing this to a random tune that I make up as I go, as I do so often when I'm searching for something. "Pants, pants, pants." I sing hitting a high note at the last pants.

"Ugh. That sounds even worse than the unicorn song." I hear someone say on the other side of the door. A male voice. Fucking Doubleday. What an ass.

"Are you guys still there?"

"Yeah. We're gonna wait here to you come out so we can beat you up for what you're doing to us."

I guess they forget I have the room with the window that faces to the road. I'll just wait until I see Jesse's car and climb out the window. Well, why wait? I'm already ready. I might as well climb out now so he won't see me climbing out the window. That'll be a lot to explain. I leave my phone plugged in and as quietly as possible open the window. But what if I need my phone? What if it dies? If I need a phone I'll use Jesse's I guess, and I'll plug it up to ensure it won't die.

I walk away and start to think. Jesse and I really don't have a thing, though it may seem so. I wouldn't it, but he doesn't seem interested. I don't know if Lacey and Lauren are serious about the band, but I am, and Jesse happens to know a guy from Hopeless Records, and I wouldn't mind getting signed. My mind then drifts back to Lauren, and whatever it is that Doubleday did. I wish she would tell me. I hate knowing something's wrong, and not being able to do anything about it. This is one of those times when I wish she had someone other than Doubleday. He hurts her all the time, but she gets over it. I guess it's not that bad. It's just kinda how they're relationship works. But I still think she could have someone so much better.

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