Starting A Band

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A/N: So if you've read one of my stories you already know this, but here we go again. Yes the pictures have nothing to do with the story. I do not care. End of story. (And yes that is a picture of Brendon Urie)

 (And yes that is a picture of Brendon Urie) *****

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(Stacy's POV)

I'm home alone for probably the first time in two months. We've been waiting forever for Lauren to finally turn 18 so that way we can all get a place together. We've been friends since the 8th grade which is also the year we decided to start a band. The only problem was... none of us us could play instruments. So we just put that idea to the side, and later forgot about it.

So Lauren, Lacey, and I haven't really got a lot of alone time for the last couple months because, apparently, moving takes work. And by work, I mean a lot of work. We figured out that we needed some Ramen, since we ate our last three packages last night, and needed some for tonight. We've been living off of Ramen and take-out for these last couple months. All of us have been too tired after moving each day and getting settled in. Or if it's a day we decide to take a break from all that, we're usually just to lazy to actually cook anything.

Whenever we do start cooking though, it's probably going to be up to me to do it. The last time Lacey cooked she tried to make grilled cheese, and ended up catching her hair on fire. And Lauren, well I'm too scared to find out what happens if Lauren cooks. Lauren's told me that she's a good cook, but I'm not so sure about that.

Wow. I'm really freaking bored. I think to myself. Maybe I should do something. Wait... Do something. That's it! I will do something. I take out my cell phone and start up a group chat with Lauren and Lacey.

"Hey guys." I type into the phone. "We should make a band. But not just any band," I quit typing for a second to think about our forgotten band from 8th grade. The Accidental Rapists, we were gonna call it. Man, we were some weird kids. And you know what they say. Weird kids grow up to be weird adults. I go back to start typing again. "An epic band. We should name it The Accidental Rapists."

"Cool. I'm down." Lacey replies.

"HOLY FUCK YES, LET"S DO IT." Lauren replies.

"Then we're gonna frigging do it! Get here ASAP."

I guess they weren't to far away because only about five minutes later Lacey and Lauren got to the house.

"Who's doing what?" I ask after I open the door.

"What?" Lacey asks?

"The band."

"OHHHHHHH. I'm gonna be the drummer, obviously. Then I can be all like boom boom boom."

"I wanna be the guitarist!" Lauren exclaims.

"And I'm gonna be the singer because I have a soul voice, obviously. But before we do anything we should probably get instruments first.... and learn to play them."

"Nah," Lacey and Lauren say simultaneously.

"True," I tell them.

So a couple days go by and Lacey, Lauren, and I are driving through town trying to figure out how we're supposed to start our band.

"Well clearly we need a bassist." Lauren chimes in.

"Well we don't need one."

"Are you suggesting we be a bassless band?"

I stop and think. Could we be a bassless band? It could work. It's not like it's unheard of. You know what.. Let's do it. I was just about to open my mouth to speak when I was interrupted.

"Stop!" Lacey screams.

I immediately slam my foot on the brake. "Why are we stopping?"

"Look" Lacey throws her arm dramatically toward the window.

"It's a drum set!" Lauren exclaims.

"Where?" I look around but can't find it.

"There!" Lauren and Lacey yelled.

"Ohhhhh. I see it now." I lie because I'm too embarrassed to admit I don't. I wouldn't be that embarrassed about it but this happens a lot. I swear I need a new pair of glasses because it seems like I can never find anything.

"Let's grab it!" Lacey exclaims, seeming a little too excited.

"But we're driving a Smart car! It'll never fit!"

"We'll make it fit. We are Rapists by any means." Lacey says.

"We're only Accidental Rapists though!" Lauren cuts in.

"A Rapist is a Rapist. Accidental or not. Now shut up and grab my drum stick."

I walk behind them because I still haven't found it. We walk about a foot away from the curb and Lacey picks up a trash can lid. I finally notice it and feel stupider than ever.

"Here's the drum set! Now where's my stick?" She exclaims. We all grab a side of the drums and lift it. The drums are half the size of the car. They're not gonna fit.

"Open up the trunk!" Lacey yells. I drag my feet to the front of the car and pop the trunk. Why do I always have to be the one do all the walking? "Let's pull the back seats down too." Lacey continues to boss us around.

We push and shove on the drumset for what seems like forever. It took about ten minutes but surprisingly enough it fit.

"But where am I supposed to sit?" Lauren exclaims.

"Umm.... That's a good question." I tell her.

"You don't" Lacey starts to boss us around again. "Here's what'll happen. Amber and I will take the drums home and then we'll come back and get you."

"But we're in the ghetto of the ghetto. What if I get kidnapped or even worse, raped?"

"You can't get raped because we're rapists. Rapists don't rape rapists. That's like the rapist law, We may not have a perfect sense of morals but we do have some."

"But we're just accidental rapists... What if the rapists don't find that good enough and rape me anyway?"

"Don't worry Lauren. You'll be safe," Lacey half-heartedly assured her.

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