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"Dunk the ball in the goal again, dad!"

    MJ shouted as I ran back up to the goal to make a shot. I stopped mid-run and ran back in a far distance. MJ watched me like a kid at Christmas as I started to run while bouncing the ball. And when I jumped into the air, I could hear him cheering me on. When I slammed the ball into the goal, MJ shouted and jumped in awe what he'd just saw.

    I heard someone applauding which had caught me simply off guard because it was only my son and I there at the village. I turned towards the applauding and realized Tereny walking over. The last person I expected to see today. Last time I seen her, I was running her off. And now here she is again. She was kinda starting to piss me off, but considering that I was with my son, I had decided against running her off again.

    I passed the ball to MJ who gladly took the ball to play like he was dribbling when he couldn't even get the ball between his short legs. I chuckled a little bit as I walked over to Tereny who looked different. She looked slimmer. But still, she was beautiful. She crossed her arms as she made it up closer to me and I let out a deep sigh.

    "What brings you by?" I asked her.

    "Passing through the neighborhood and thought I would stop and talk with you." She said to me as she pointed towards the bench.

    We walked over and took a seat there. I watched far at MJ who was trying to make a shot but the goal was too tall for him and he failed every time. I chuckled and shook my head at how determined he was to make a shot.

    "Is that one of your sons?" Tereny asked me, looking at him with admiration in her eyes.

    "Yea. That's Britney's big brother." I said, making sure to use my daughter's name to get her to realize it herself.

    "I can tell. They look just alike." She responded, still staring at my oldest son as if she were in disbelief. I wouldn't know how Britney looked since her husband wants to be a hot ass and act like he running shit.

    "I wouldn't know." I mumble, causing for Tereny to look my way. I was still stuck on why she was even stopped here. Last time, she was trying to get some info from me. "If you're here to gather up some info from me, you can cancel it."

    "That's not why I'm here. I know everything." She said to me in a matter of factly tone. "It's sort of why I stopped when I seen you here." I looked at her and cleared my throat. "Tray, Bruce told me what he did and I just don't think I can continue being happy with him knowing how he betrayed me. And I know you're the last person I should be talking to about this, but-"

    "Then don't talk to me about it if you know I'm the last person you should involve in it. What's between you and your husband stays between you and your husband. I'm not the same Tray I used to be, Tereny." I make sure to tell her. She looked down as if she was feeling ashamed and shook her head. "All I wanna talk about is the possibility of seeing my daughter." I say.

    Part of me knew that Bruce was going to up and tell Tereny, but I didn't think he would tell her so soon. I thought that I wouldn't at least been able to taunt him with the shit, but naw...he wanna go and do the right fucking thing like he always does after he fucks up big time. Fucking pity guilt trip having ass nigga. But that's who Tereny chose. I gotta respect that. Plus, he's around my daughter all the time. Oh yea, despite the fact that I did try to kill his ass out of jealousy.

    Shit, after I pulled that trigger, I didn't think Tereny would ever wanna talk to me again. And here she is. I don't think I deserve a second chance, but if she's giving them, I'm gonna take them.

Deceitful | Book 3Where stories live. Discover now