Same Mistakes

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"What?!" We exclaimed in unison.

Did she just say that Carter asked her to be his girlfriend?

Noah's smile dropped when she saw our reactions and her eyes connected with the floor.

"Did you say yes?"

Harry asked, his tone a deep kind of growl.

"He sang me an Ed Sheeran song."

That was it.

That was enough for us to know she said yes. We all know she can't resist that.

"You've only just met."

Louis exclaimed, his expression one of disappointment.

She didn't respond.

She just turned around and ran upstairs. But this time, no one bothered to go after her.

Not even Niall, who'd previously laid in her arms, sobbing his eyes off.

"I can't believe this."

Liam buried his head in his hands, as if to hide from all the drama.

I swallowed, before finally saying what had been on my mind for a long time now.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Noah."

I started of and they sent me questioning looks, indicating for me to go on.

"We made the same mistake too. At the beginning of the summer, we decided to take a girl with us on tour that we barely knew."

They gasped, scowling at me. But their frowns dropped quickly when they realised I was right.

"Look at everything that has happened to us since then."

Louis sighed and all we could do was nod in agreement.

"My relationship with Julie could've worked out."

Harry clasped his hand over his mouth when he realised what he said. But we didn't judge, Liam just wrapped his arms around the boy, who was now sobbing.

"The only question left is whether it was the right decision or not."

Louis continued and I shook my head.

"No, it doesn't matter. It's not like she's staying forever. She'll leave when the summer ends."


"Should nobody go after Noah?"

I asked about twenty minutes later and Niall shook his head.

"Nahh. She'll come back when she's hungry or has to go for a wee."

He explained, before turning his attention back on the movie we were watching. It was some sort of action movie.

"There she comes."

Harry whispered, his eyes still a bit red from crying.

Noah was indeed climbing down the stairs, her gaze pointed at her black converse as she did so.


Liam asked, to which she shook her head.

"No, I just don't like fighting with you guys."

She explained, her voice just as quiet as it was when we first met her. Niall opened his arms as an invitation for a hug, which she gladly accepted.

"You know,"

She continued, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I would've said no if I knew you guys wanted me to. It's just, at my age, most people don't take relationships that serious. Some girls have a different boyfriend every week."

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