A Pretty Little Morning

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Noah's P.O.V.

  I laid down on the bed, the room slightly lit by the morning glow. Niall's arms were wrapped around my waist, his face buried in the crook of my neck. His breath tickled a little.   


He whispered, caressing my arm.  

"Yeah, Niall?"  

I answered to assure him I was awake.  

"Would you like to go shopping with Demi Lovato?"  

He asked it as if it was the simplest thing in the world. I, however, was freaking out about the idea. I turned around, so I was facing him.  

"Are you kidding me? Of course I would."  

I whisper-yelled, my smile lighting up his face.  

"Ya know, Demi had pretty much the same reaction when I suggested this."  

"Demi freaking Lovato is excited to go shopping with me? Omg, what do I wear?"

  I asked him and he chuckled at my girliness.   

"That's what she asked. Maybe you can let her pick you an outfit? I think she wanted to match."  

"Gosh, Niall, thanks so much for all this."  

"Now, can you do me a favour? Cuddle with me."   I giggled and he kissed my nose.  

"With you? Anytime."  

He pulled me even closer, allowing me to rest my head on his chest. Warmed up by his body, I fell back asleep.  


"Louis, go away. She's asleep."  

Niall whined, still embracing me.   

"I don't care."  

Louis snapped, I bet he was rolling his eyes. He can be so sassy at times.  

"Why? You always care. I mean, look at her. She's adorable when she sleeps."  

The blond whispered, caressing my cheek.   Oh. Mi. God.   Don't blush. Don't blush. Don't blush.   "I'm mad at her."  

What?! He's mad at me?!  

"What did I do?"  

I whisper-asked him, still not opening my eyes. I swear I didn't do anything.  


Niall and I groaned, desperately trying to hide in the pillows.  

"Because she needs to hang out with girls."


"Because she is a girl."  

Louis opened his mouth to ask another question, but I stopped him before he could.  

"Don't make me prove it."  


He sighed, walking out of our bedroom.  

"Thank god he left."  

Niall murmured, irritation clear in his voice.  

"Calm down, Ni. He's gone now. Let's sleep a bit more. Wait, what time is it?"  

I asked and he lazily lifted his head, trying the glance at the clock.  

"It's half past eight. We can stay in bed 'til nine if you want."  

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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