Did we just loose two teenagers?

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"It's locked."

Noah's P.O.V.

His husky voice was drenched with panic. "Calm down, Carter. Let me check." I said, resting my hand on his shoulder. He nod and helped me up. I slowly pushed the handle down. No movement. No movement at all. "You're right, it's locked." I whispered, my heart beating hundred miles per hour. "Do you have your phone with you?" He asked, his face turning pale. "No, I left it on my bed. Do you?" He shook his head and groaned.  "No, I left it there too." I sigh, burying my face in my hands. "Hey, don't worry. They'll find us." Carter reassured me, his warm fingers tickling my neck. "I know, they always do. No matter what trouble I got myself into, they always find me." I said, smiling at my sudden realization. "I guess there's nothing else we can do, but wait." I continued, letting myself slide down against the wall. He sat down next to me, his hands searching mine. His eyes lit up as our fingers entangled, sending out comforting sparks.

Liam's P.O.V.

"66, 67, 68; 69." I yelled through the house. My counting was suddenly interrupted by Niall's loud laugh. "You pervert." I narrowed my eyes at him. "70. WHERE COMING. Just follow me, leprechaun." He scowled, but stopped laughing. "Don't call me that." We checked our suite first, even though we were pretty sure no one was here. "Maybe somebody hid in the fridge." Niall said, hinting that he wanted something to eat. "There's no time for that. Besides, I don't think anyone fits in that, not even Noah." I answered, as I dragged him to the door. "How am I supposed to explore the hotel, if I have an empty stomach?" He whined, following my tracks. "Don't worry, I'm a hundred percent sure you'll survive." We checked the 16th floor first, then walked to the stairs and searched on floor 15. "This is gonna take hours." The Irish lad sighed when we reached the 7th floor. "I know, maybe we should just text them and tell'em we give up."

Harry's P.O.V.

"LOU, STOP THAT. IT TICKLES." I giggled, desperately trying to defend myself. "But I'm bored." Louis whined, still tickling me. "I... don't... care." I managed to say between all the gasping. "Fine." He sighed. We hid in a room next to the hotelkitchen. It was a bad idea, 'cause it smells like delicious food in her and that makes me hungry. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, meaning I had a text. "Liam says they give up." I read out loud and Louis's face lit up. "LET'S ORDER ROOM SERVICE." He exclaimed, dragging my upstairs. I chuckled at his enthusiasm and followed in his tracks. When we reached our room, we were greeted by Niam and Zayn. "No Narter? Or wait, is it Coah? Cartoah?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Nope, Noah didn't respond to my message." Liam sighed, as Niall fell face forward on the couch. "Then call them." Louis shrugged, walking straight to the kitchen. "BRING ME SOME." The Irish lad yelled and I chuckled at him. Li called Noah, all of us hoping she'd pick up.

'CHICKEN SOUUUUUUUP.' My voice rang through the corridor, me blushing crimson. It then switched the Torn.

'NOTHING'S FINE I'M CORN.' Niall bursted out in laughter, while we listened to her ringtone.I ran to Noah's room, looking for her phone. I found it on her bed and  came back, a white touch screen phone in my hand, and quickly pushed the 'end call' button. "Don't... *gasp* do that." Niall pouted, still in fits of laughter. All sudden his smile disappeared. "Wait.. If her cell is here... WE'LL NEVER FIND HER." He cried, pure terror on his face. "Calm down, Ni. We'll find her back soon." Zayn reassured him, even though his expression said the complete opposite. "Let's... Split up in groups. Did anyone see were they were going?" Liam asked and all of us put on our thinking face. "Hm... They ran downstairs, I bet they're somewhere on the lower floors." Louis muttered, truly worried about them. "Niam searches the first two floors. Zayn does the next two and Louis and I'll check the next. Deal?" I suggested, runny my hand through my curls. "Okay, text us when you finished your floors." Liam said, leaving the room, Niall hot in his heels. "Let's go." I said and Louis and I took off too. Zayn was the last to leave.

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