8. Bet That

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MM : Sam & Tommy ... 😍

Kae and Christina pretty selves & their outfits as well.


Paige POV

The game was over and I had to admit, the next generation of basketball players were going to be killers on the court.

I wasn't a big fan or anything of basketball but I knew for fact that they had some skills.

I watched as the boys took the court and began to speak.

"We would like to thank everybody for coming out and supporting this event." Trey said and handed the mic to August.

"Yeah, we ain' een think all of y'all woulda show up like dis. We really appreciate it." He handed it to Quincy.

"But none of this would be possible if this specific gym didn't catch the eye of our dear friend Chris here. He made it his duty to make sure that the place most of us teens grew up in wouldn't go to waste." He handed it back to August.

"Even though I didn't exactly grow up hea', I saw how much it meant to my bros and thea was no way, I'd let them do this on thea own." 

He handed the mic to Chris and he began to talk. "Without this gym, a lot of us wouldn't have had a place to go to after school when our parents were working. Without this gym, I wouldn't be able to say I made it to where I am now. None of us would." He handed it down to Trey. 

"And with that being said, we'd like to call Mr. & Mrs. Flowers onto the court." He waved them over.

I smiled at the sight of the older couple. Mrs. Flowers was my favorite elementary teacher and her husband was basically everybody's favorite gym teacher.

They hadn't aged a bit.

"As you all know Mr. and Mrs.  Flowers were and still are everybodies favorites from elementary. They both were the only ones to stick around and help us bring this event together. Over the past years, Mr. Flowers would open the gym around 3 in the afternoon just to let kids who had nothing to do busy themselves instead of being out in the streets and he'd stay until 9 just to make sure everybody had a ride home."

August got the mic back. "Mrs. Flowers is also someone we woulda loved ta' have aa a grandma. She'a always make sure we had somethin' ta' eat on our stomachs before we left hea. Angel straight outta heaven."

Chris grabbed the mic. "A lot of us owe him and his wife for having a place for us to be and allowing us to be in their presence. With that being said, Mr. and Mrs. Flowers we'd would like to present you with the official title and deed and a brand new key to the Parkway Elementary School Gym."

The crowd began to "Aww" and clap. I on the other hand, had my eyes fixated on Chris. The more and more I watched him, the more he was showing me why I shouldn't go along with this plan.

"Oh my lord, boys thank you so much." Mrs. Flowers pulled them all in for a hug. It was cute due to them all being taller than her.

Mr. Flowers began to sob a little and him and Chris hugged for a minute. They exchanged a few words and hugged once again before handing Mr. Flowers the mic.

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