Will you be my friend?- Chapter Two

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Mrs.Ralph looked up clearly annoyed that her class was no longer looking at her lesson and was staring at the new comer in the doorway. Her pissed off look suddenly softened, as if she remembered something. She strode towards the door, her high heels clicking. God, I hate everything about her. She firmly placed a hand on the mystery nerds back, leading (more like pushing) him to the front of the class. I heard a couple snickers, obviously caused by the new kids clothing choice. I don't know why, but this made me extremely angry. It wasn't their place to laugh at him. Sure, its not common for someone to wear that, but if he feels comfortable wearing that, its his decision and we should respect that. I don't know why I'm so worked up.

Brett must have felt me tense up beside him, because he sent me a worried glance. I just smiled and squeezed his arm reassuringly. Brett is one of my closest friends. I know he likes me, and I know Ive "Friend-Zoned" him but I cant help it. He is cute, (really cute actually) and Nicole is always telling me to him a chance, But I cant help it! I don't see him that way, Ive know him since year 5. Its not like he's desperate. With his sandy hair that he flicks out of his face, tan skin, and green eyes he could get any girl he wants. I don't know why he chose me. Our gaze was interrupted but Mrs. Ralph introducing the tall male at front of our class.

"Class, this is Marcel Sty- I mean Cox. I would like you to be nice to our new student please." I scowled.. Whats was she going to say? The only thing that starts with "Sty" is style. Weird. "Marcel, you can go sit next to Jade. Brett go sit next to Jake." She pointed to the back of the classroom.

"But Bre-" I tryed to protest. I like sitting next to my friends.

"Mrs.Dawson there will be no buts." She scolded. She directed her glare to Brett. "Now shoo." He rolled his eyes while grabbing his stuff. He walked away mumbling under his breath. Marcel took a shaky breath and slowly walked towards me. He seated him self, putting his bag down. Is it weird that he smelt nice? He looked straight ahead like a statue. Almost as if he moved he would shatter into a million pieces. His face was very mature and handsome. But you could only tell if you looked closely. I didn't realise I was staring at until he turned to look at me. I inhaled quickly, out of fright.

"Sorry" I mumbled, looking away.

I wanted to cry right there. Why? He looked like he was going to cry. His eyes were red, brimmed with water. I wanted to hug him and tell him, everything would be fine. I knew just how how he felt. I remember my first day here, I was new, just like him. Except I actually cried. I was so scared and little I went to the loo and cried. Because I didn't have a friend to tell me it was okay and show me around. But he does. He has me. He has me now, so he doesn't have to go to the loo to cry.

"Marcel?" I whispered cautiosly. He looked surprised I was talking to him. I took him a couple seconds to react.

"Y-yes?" My heart broke. His voice was so choked it came out barely audible. He was so shy.

"Would you like sit with me at lunch me and my friends? If we finish early I can show you around, so you don't get lost." I smiled at him. He has to have some one right? "I could show you to your next class..?" I offered I hope he says yes. He looked surprised - very surprised at that. He seemed to be pondering what to say, so I decided to speak. "Listen." I looked him straight in the eyes. "I was the new kid once, and I'm not gonna lie.. it sucked ass." The corners of his mouth slowly turned upwards and he chuckled. "I didn't have any one to show me around and be friend. So will you, Marcel.. be my friend." I smiled at my own weirdness at trying to be formal. I felt relived as he smiled. I love his smile.

'Yes" He replied by now we were both smiling. I turned to the board, happy.

"Jade." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Thank you" I couldn't help but grin ear to ear. Marcel Cox now has a friend.

Hey people! I feel like that was a lot better than the last chapter! So they talked and now they're friends! What was the teacher gunna sayy?? I think its obvious lol. You guys got me 12 votes thanks:)!

Can we get to 20 votes!!??? Please?

Anyways, stay beautiful!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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