Chapter Seven

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Author's POV:

Gabe and Analyn both lie on their beds with the door shut. Hate is a waste of a feeling. It's hard to hate someone when you love them. Feelings are a drug. Love is a freaking drug. The saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." No, words damage you forever. Words will always hurt. 

Analyn is lying right there on her bed. Staring at her ceiling, thinking about Gabe. Why wouldn't she be? She misses the old Gabe. She misses how he use to care for her like a dad. Tease her like a brother. Love her like a boyfriend. Be there for her like a best friend. People change people. How do you love someone when they hurt you over and over again. 

Gabe has his headphones in and lying on his bed. He's staring at the wall, thinking about Analyn. He misses the bright and wild Analyn. Ever since her mom, she's been quiet. He missed her bright smile and adorable laugh. Her carefree attitude. How can you love someone when they hate you for something in the past? How do you change things? 

"You put words in my head and knives in my heart." Analyn whispers. "I crash and I break down." 

"I miss you, I can't sleep." Gabe sighs. "Friends really can break your heart."  

Isn't it amazing? How two people love each other but they don't know? Because once you're attached to someone, you're screwed. But isn't it crazy how one person can affect you? Gabe and Analyn are just two teenagers who don't know what they want in life yet. They don't know if they want each other again. Analyn can't trust him. Gabe wants her to trust him. Can you really take back what you said? 

How can you take back the past? You really can't. It's history. Once it's done, it's done. If you truly love someone, you should accept their past and just leave it there. How can Analyn let go of the past? She can't. She's too attached to it. She's young and dumb. She doesn't know what she wants. It may look like her whole life is planned out. But she doesn't know what she wants to do yet. 

Gabe on the other hand is clueless. He's an idiot. All he wants is Analyn. He wants her. He needs her. But, he's going to ask out Denise. You already know how it works in cliche stories. Popular boy dates popular girl but has feelings for shy girl and he tries to get to know her. But her walls are built up so high and whatever. And then they date and their story ends happily ever after. 

But this is different. Gabe WANTS Analyn. Analyn DOES NOT want him. She's bipolar about it. Gabe doesn't know what to do. He's confused. Analyn or Denise. Shy and cute. Popular and perky. He can't choose. He's always liked her. Even through her worst times. When you start as friends, it's really hard to say you're never going back. 

"Why am I so attached to you Gabe?" Analyn asks herself. "Ever since you told me about what I did that night, I've been thinking about it. Ever since you cared for me. Why?" 

"You said you loved me. You were drunk. You kissed me. You hate me." Gabe smiled to himself. "I will always love you, but I just can't show it to you right now." 

"I can't love you. I'm sorry." She whispers to herself. 

"I love you and I'm sorry it has to be this way." Gabe looks up. 

See what I mean? They're both stupid in love but don't know it. It sucks when you don't know you're perfect for each other. It sucks when you can't show each other love. It sucks when you can't be together. Love is like an addiction or a drug. Once you start, you can't stop. Once you can't stop, you're slowly dying inside. And once you're slowly dying, you're quickly shutting down. Lastly, when you're shutting down, you're gone. 

Analyn has her walls built up so high that no one can knock them down. She doesn't want anyone to knock them down. Gabe wants to see what's behind her walls. He wants to knock them down but she doesn't let anyone in. Their story is so much different from everyone else. 

Ya see, Analyn is different from most girls. She's shy, she loves books, she loves penny boarding, she's quiet. She doesn't trust anyone. No one at all. Only because she knows what people are capable of doing. But her dad is rich and she doesn't like being known as "his" daughter. A lot of people know her, but she preferred if people knew who she actually was. 

Gabe is Gabe. He's hot, funny, sweet, but an idiot. He loves everything. He's a open book. People know him and he knows a lot of people. He's popular, but he doesn't take advantage of it. He's got a lot of friends. But, he lacks academic skills. He's carefree. One thing that stands out about him is how caring he is towards people. Gabe is charming. 

They're both quietly thinking to themselves. They think about their past together. Gabe thinks about their happy times. Analyn thinks about their worst times. Can you really love someone after what they've done to you in the past? 

So this chapter was kind in my point of view. tell me if it sucked because i know it did. i wanted this chapter to be a little different so i did this. um yeah, if it sucked just tell me. 


Love yall so much ❤️❤️

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