Chapter three

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As I carried Alice out of the bathroom she blanked out and tried to put it out with the water but all it did was fuel the fire. Great. I ran with Alice in my arms out to the front of the school were no o e was and the fire was far away from us. I knew the teacher would be taking role and noticing that both Alice and I weren't there.

"Alice, Alice wake up, come on we need to get back to class." I said while trying to shake her awake.

"Mmm, Callie." She said as her eyes flew open.

"Alice, I know what you saw me do was weird but ever since I was ten I've been able to move water around and make it do what I want." I said hoping she wouldn't think I'm crazy.

"Oh, so that's why the water cleared a perfect path for you." She said to my surprise.

"You don't think I'm crazy?" I asked.

"No why would I think you're crazy I'm the one who started the fire with my fire that comes out of my hands when I want them to or when I get angry." She said.

"That happens to me to expect with water not... Wow, fire?" I said. I know it was sort of mean and all but fire? That could get dangerous.

"Yeah it's kinda of a weird thing." She said. Then her face changed and said, "Oh no we have to go now the fire department that hate me."

"What the fire department, they hate you?" I asked.

"Yeah I've set fire lots of other times." She said standing up.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Camp." She said.

"What camp?" I asked. Now she was really starting to scare me maybe I really was crazy.. Or she was.

"The wilderness camp, for people like us." She replied and started to run. "How far is your house?"

"Umm about two blocks down. Why?" I asked.

"Tell your dad you have to leave now." She said.


"Because we're leaving to go to camp! Now hurry we need to get to camp as soon as possible!"

"Ok!" I said and ran off towards my house.

A/N sorry if it takes a long time to update my next part of the story I'm going away so I might not be ale to update as soon as I would like!!! Please comment and vote!

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