Chapter seven

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Chapter seven


When I woke up I saw I was still in the jeep, but there was only a boy in there who had no doubt been put there to watch me. I sat up and looked around I was at the edge of some kind of border of camp. The camp had a lake cabins and all the normal camp stuff. The only thing different was that there was kids throwing fireballs at each other, growing plants in seconds, kids flying or lifting people up in the air by lifting there arms.

"So, you can control water, right?" Said the boy who was now sitting next to me bringing me out of my thoughts. I noticed his features for the first time. He had sandy blond hair which was cut short and he had lightly tanned skin. More or less he was very handsome.

"Oh, yeah. Um where am I?" I asked looking out at the camp once more.

"At the wilderness camp for people like.. Well people who can bend elements." He said, then remembered I didn't know who he was, "Oh, I'm Hank I can control light."

"Light? " I asked I thought it was just water, fire, air and earth.

"Yeah it's not as special as water, but it's all I got." Hank said.

"No, lights really cool." I said. "And I'm Callie."

"Nice name." He said. I blushed.


"Yeah, well let me show you around camp."

"Ok." I said.

He showed me to the armory first which had not your normal weapons it had jewelry and little bags for the girls. Belts, pens for the boys. He showed me first his pen that looked like a normal pen but it held light and had a picture of the sun on it. He clicked it and it shown really bright then had flicked his hand and all the lights went out. I screamed, then Hank flicked his hand again and the lights went back on. He chuckled at my out burst. Then showed me to the jewelry to look for something that caught my eye. As I looked at the cases and rows of stones and bags I searched for something that had something to do with the ocean. I surprised myself when I found a bracelet with white stones and a silver chain.

"That's the one." I said pointing to the bracelet.

Hank looked at me in surprise, because there was plenty of other stuff that had something to do with the ocean and water. Then lifting the bracelet he helped me put it on. It fit perfectly. I pressed the center stone and dolphin made of water jumped out of bracelet and then dived back in the bracelet disappearing. "Huh, that's so cool!" I said.

"Great we figured that part out, now I'll show you to the training room." Hank said and we walked out of the armory.

The training room or area was made up of obstacle courses, an area to practice your skills on dummies and fight with other campers, and then there was kids learning new skills with there element. "Wow, this place is pretty cool." I said amazed.

"Yeah it is pretty cool." Hank said. Then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of training room outside to the library.

The library consisted of books, scrolls, computers, and anything else that could help with research. Hank showed me to the lounge next this was were the cabin leaders of each cabin came and had meetings and campers could hang out during the day. Then the campfire where we would eat and tell story and sing songs. Then lastly the cabins. Each cabin held the different kind of element. First the fire cabin, then the light cabin, (where hank showed me around because that was his cabin) next the air cabin, darkness cabin which was empty for some reason hank said that it was something that only few people could control, then earth cabin, time, space, and finally water. I went inside the cabin finding ten campers inside.

"Hi, I'm Callie I can control water too. Um cool cabin." I said looking around there was a fountain that was made from coral, the walls were light blue with a pond off to one side near the fountain, the beds all had a shell deign on them and white and blue pillows.

A girl with dark brown hair, dark skin and bright blue eyes looked up at me. Then smiled and said, "Welcome to camp, I'm Natalie. The cabin leader of this cabin." I recognized her as the girl who had been driving the jeep.

Another girl who had soft blue eyes, dirty brown hair that was pull back into a ponytail spoke up, "I'm Kiki. Nice to meet you." She said holding out her hand for me shake.

I smiled and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you too."

Then a boy with blond hair, green eyes stepped forward and said, "I'm Brandon." He said and step away. He looked curious to me as if he didn't like anything or anyone.

The rest of the campers introduced them selfs as, Tori, Cleo, Izzy, Jana, Jake, Gunner, and Lee. Natalie gave me a bunk and I set my stuff down which was my camper hat, shirt and sweat shirt which had also gotten from Natalie. I said good bye and Hank lead me back to the lounge.

In the lounge a man who was old looking and had gray hair sat in a chair next to another man who was younger about forty. Who had green eyes brown hair cut short and was dressed in a camp shirt, hat and jeans. "Hello Callie, I'm Darien the runner of this camp." The younger man said. I found odd that he knew my name when I hadn't even tolled him yet. "This is joe, but he likes to be called grandpa." Said Darien gesturing toward the older man. "Thank you Hank for showing her around, Callie and I need to talk alone for a minute."

"Oh of course." Hank said and left looking back at me and winking. Which made me feel a lot better because I wasn't really look forward to spending time with his guy.

A/N thanks for reading!!!!! I hope you guys like the new characters!!! Please tell me what you think!!!! This chapter was a little long because of introducing the new characters and describing the camp so..... The next chapter might not be as long. Please comment and vote!!!!!! Thx!!!


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