Chapter eight

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A/N sorry for the long time for me to update!!!!! I have been super busy and my school is starting soon so I might be slow on the updates....... :( well anyways enjoy! And please comment and vote its really appreciated.

Chapter eight


Darien lead me to the back of building where there was a table, T.V., and chairs to sit in all around the table.

"I know you probably think it weird that I know your name, but I'll just tell you that I can control all the elements." Darien said. "I am the master of all of them." He was quiet for a minute as to let that sink in.

"How is that possible, and how did I come to be able to control water?" I asked.

"Don't worry I'll explain everything." He said. "Long ago there was Indians and they believed in these gods who could control the elements of nature. Those all being space, time, water, air, earth, light, darkness, and fire. Instead there was one one who controlled the elements of nature. Me."

"Wow, so your like a god, are you immortal?" I asked amazed.

"No, but I am to stay alive for as long as I am needed. Anyways, the Indians were amazed by this god, me, and wanted to see what would happen when, well we created life. So I agreed and we came with eight children each who could control these the different elements. There were not as powerful as me, so they can not control the weather or other big things like that. Only very, very, very powerful Elementalesis, like you could so that, have that kind of power. You probable came to be the eightieth heir of the one of the first children or some kind of that blood has come into your blood making you able to control water." Darien finished.

I sat back taking all of the information in. Was I really a heir of someone that powerful?

"So, what I need to know though is what can you do with your power?" Darien asked.

"I don't really know, I haven't really had the chance to try them out because of my dad around, but I know I can do bubbles." I said hopeful.

"Ha! Those are a breeze you can surely do much more than that. Try something a little more complicated, like, let's go outside so I can show you without making a mess in here." Darien said.

So we came outside the cabin and walked around the cabin were there was a drinking fountain. He stood near the fountain then raised his hands and water came out of the fountain. Then he moved his hands in circle twice, then flicked up creating a real life horse, only out of water.

"Wow! How'd you do that?" I asked blown away.

"Here you try." He said and flicked his making the horse fly back into the fountain.

"I'll do my best." I said nervous.

I raised my hands the water came out of the fountain. Then circling my hands twice the form of the horse started to take form. I flicked up and the horse trotted over to me and nuzzled me. I looked at Darien his expression was surprised and amazed.

"Wow! You have quite a lot of power most people would take at least five tries to get that right much less have the horse come to them and show love, just wow you must be a very powerful Elementalesis." Darien said still showing a little bit of surprise.

"I just did what you showed me." I said as I shrugged.

"Well, Callie I'm shore you're going to be a famous Elementalesis," Darien said checking his watch, "It's getting late the campfire's going to start soon." Then we walked off in the direction of the campfire, where campers were already laughing, singing and having a great time.

A/N I'm really sorry for taking so long update,but please comment and vote! Tell me what you think of the story!!!!!! Lov ya!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!!! :)

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