Chapter Five

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Hey! I am alive...Sorry for the late update!

This story is dedicated to @tamoja coz she has been supporting this story a lot by voting and commenting. Thank you so much! She is just awesome!

Looking back at the way my last night happened, I'd have been celebrating. To be honest, I actually did. Like any other Single cat women, I spent an hour drinking wine, eating a greasy sandwich and constantly blaming Mother Nature for giving me too hot a body to handle. Too hot, seriously! Alas, people are too blind to notice. Coming back to the topic, last night was indeed a magnificent celebration of feminism but things just went a little downhill- Coz right now, my head is pounding as if someone is constantly hitting me with a hammer and some idiot is constantly knocking ( more pounding again) at my front door like a mad man.

I rubbed off my sleepy eyes and decided to end the agony of whoever was knocking at my door. As I was about to open the door, I froze.

What if they are cops? I surely did vandalise a millionaire's car.
But, Wouldn't they just break the door and come inside by now? Umm, they might be good cops.

Looking around the living room, I knew there was no way of escaping. 1) I am too fat to get through a Window; 2) I didn't have any secret tunnel like ancient people used to have. Taking the risk, I opened the door. In front of me stood a very fuming Lyndsey, holding her signature Gucci bag. God bless her!

"Were you dead? I have called you a hundred times-" She waved her phone near my nose "-I thought your date was an Axe Murderer or something. Oh my God! I was so scared..."She trailed off. Her eyes scanning me from head to toe.

"YOU GUYS DID IT?!?!?!" I looked at my dress which was crippled at places but no sign of any sexual activity. I sighed.
"He turned out to be a Jerk! Son of a Bitch! I never had such a horrible date."


I fought a gracious war against a sexist last night, being a true warrior of feminism. And all she answered was an "Oh"? Damn, this headache!

Noticing a constipated look on my face, she started,"Take an Advil and go freshen up. We're going somewhere." A wry smile plastered on her face. "By the way, Was he that hot in real life?"


* * *

"Where are we going?"


"Where are we going?"


"Where are we going?"

Music player turned to its full volume. Is that Katy Perry?

Ten minutes later, my best friend broke the silence by answering my question- "We're going to Adoption Centre to adopt a child."

"Very funny!" Ha ha ha!

"We're going to your parent's place." She replied.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat? No. I am not going there. Don't you love me? They're going to strangle me with questions and mock me for my microbial sex life." I crossed my arms and started devising a plan to get out of this misery.

"No, we'll be talking like real mature people. Umm, discussing stuffs." She said.

"What stuffs?" I asked staring at her Ray Ban covered face. Apparently.

"Stuffs stuffs."

I knew I'm not getting a clear answer. And I also knew that I might not return from my parent's place in on piece. Oh! What we do in the name of Friendship!

An hour later, our car stopped at a very familiar looking driveway. The front door opened and came running my mom with her Brownish ginger hair flying past her pale face and her signature homeless dress collection ( She still wants to be a rapper) . Her beautiful blue eyes crinkling with happiness. And following my mom, came my Dad, wearing a blue plaid shirt and red bottom jeans ( I know). His face changing from annoyed to confused to happy. Both of them came running, jumping over garden tools, waving their hands and screaming as if they are going to get murdered the next moment.

"My baby, my baby! Oh! I miss you so much." Mom wrapped her arms around me, making me inhale the scent of her favourite perfume. And then, Dad came and patted me on my shoulder and hugged me.

"My Butterfly! We missed you so much." He spoke in his hoarse voice.

Then, both of them turned towards Lyndsey and mom shouted in 'Oh-so-excitedly' voice- "Time for a group hug!"
So, four of us like real mature people had a group hug in a real mature way where minutes later my mom ended up falling on her face in a real mature way coz she was a little excited. A little.

Real mature people and their real mature ways!


Sorry again for the late update! This chapter is short and simple. But, I promise I am trying.

Anyways, Go to Google and search "Andres Callabello" of "Divicio" band. Trust me, you'll fall in love with him at first sight. I did (There is a collage of him above).😂

Love you all!

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