Chapter Six

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People say that Family dinners are supposed to be all "Merry making and Delicious food". But, have you ever just sat there in front of your family, munching on the pickled asparagus, and wondering where did it all go wrong?  I surely am doing the same now. Awkward family dinners and crazy "How's life?" questions always go hand in hand.

"So.....?" I looked at my Mom and then Dad and again back to Mom. It's not that I don't love my parents, I really do love them with all my heart. However, there is a little place in my heart which gets annoyed by their unreasonable behaviours like-

"Honey, you're looking hoe!" Mom told Lyndsey. Too shocked to speak, Lyndsey just stared at her.

"Mom, What are you telling?" I hissed.

"What? I just told she's looking hot!" She exclaimed.

Confused, I asked her to explain and I think that was the last thing I should have asked for.

"You guys are so oldie. Hoe means so hot! I've been learning some really teenage talks these days from Henry, our neighbour. You should meet him sometime." She looked at us as if to tell us to finally give her a nod of affirmation or an applause maybe. But, I was feeling bad, totally bad for both Mom and Henry(whoever that asshole is).

Lyndsey just sat their, hands pressed to her mouth, trying not to laugh. And, I was busy deciding whether to laugh or feel mortified. I wondered if she had told this to someone else.

"Mom, there's no such word!" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Ofcourse there is!" Mom argued. 

"Dad, help me!"

"Selie, I'm busy devouring this delicious dish. My lips are tightly sealed."

Cool! Incredible! That's so reasonable of you, Dad.

I sighed. An inaudible mentally cursing kind of sigh. Deep breaths! Deep breaths!

"Mom, stop talking to Henry. And, Dad! Stop making noises while eating. I'm heading off to my room. Good night" I stood up and took my path to salvation; I never looked back. Oh, who am I kidding?  I tripped on the Dining room's carpet, fell head first on the floor and limped towards my old bedroom with a bruised forehead and an empty stomach.

I crept onto my bed and looked around the room. It hasn't changed a bit. The same white walls with pink flowers painted on them, photo frames that hanged on these walls kindled a certain kind of nostalgic feeling within me. Then, like the reality slapped me, I realised how much I miss my parents. Though their relationship was the weirdest, but they loved each other and they loved me. As I was busy contemplating on how to confront my parents more like apologising, someone cleared their throat.

"Aah, you're awake!" Lyndsey spoke standing on the doorway.

"Uh-huh, yeah." I answered looking at everywhere but her. "And, sorry about mom. She's just unpredictable."

"You know you're lucky." She spoke with a slight quiver on her voice. I looked at her glossy eyes - She's crying. She added, "I'd have done anything to have such parents." She laughed a bit trying to cover up how much broken she was. I ran towards her and wrapped my arms around her. I had totally forgotten about how Lyndsey lost her mom when she was 14 and it must have been terrible. Her dad was absolutely devastated and soon succumbed to mental illness, currently having his treatment in the New York Mental Hospital. She always treated my parents as her own. Their weirdness making her smile and sometimes laugh. I smiled as my Mom peeked at us, trying to hide behind the door.

"Mom, you can come inside!" Lyndsey, startled, jumped away from me and looked wide-eyed at my Mom. She doesn't like to cry in front of anyone, not even me. I have hardly seen her cry in our 13 years of friendship.

"I..I..don't know guys are... this." Mom stammered and looked at us both accusingly. Confusedly, I stared back at her ashen face.

"What are you talking about mom?"

"I didn't know you both are together. I mean I have no problem with lesbian relationship like I'm totaaaaallllly a cool parent and it's alright, you don't have to be ashamed of it. Robin and I both will support you..." she trailed off as I focused my glare on her.

"Mom, there's nothing like that. I was just trying to console her coz she was missing her parents." Mom's features softened. She took few steps towards Lyndsey and hugged her, patting her head. I watched contented as two of the most important people of my life giggled. Suddenly, there was a crashing noise coming from right outside my room.

On reaching there, I found my Dad staring at the blank wall, nervously. He must have been overhearing our conversation. Damn, my parents are supposed to be 8th wonder of this World.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I crossed my arms on my chest and narrowed my eyes on his now scared face.

"I..I..was just.. uh..counting dust particles on the air. Yeah, I was doing that."

How can someone count dust particles at night that too by staring at a blank wall? I shook my head on his stupidity and smiled. Dad still suck in giving excuses.

"I'm glad you're here, Selie. Home wasn't home without you." He spoke as his eyes earlier focused on his feet, glanced at me. I didn't say anything instead I kept my head on his shoulders and murmured the lyrics to our favourite song. He did the same. And, It was just like old times, again.

As if he could read my mind, he whispered,"Just like old times, Princess."


Apologies for the late updates!

It's been a long time, isn't it? I know. Medical preparation gets me all worked up these days. I'm so tired and frustrated. I don't know if I should continue with that or go for English major! Phewwww

However, I have a news. I'm going for a workshop in Creative writing for a week. This might help me in improving my crappy writing skills and I might meet some really cool people too. I know I can't believe it either. .__.
Anyways, I did read "Winfred" while I was busy wondering about my life's shitty decisions. JK! Let me tell you, I loved it so much. Just give it a try! ( tssk, it's a wattys winner, btw).

Cover above: The kind of living beings who ask me for a date. No, it's not my cat. ._.

With love,
(Oh yeah, I changed my username.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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