öChapter Three

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Dedicated to one of my favourite bitch, @NanditaPanigrahi7. I have to like always remind her to vote for my story. Never mind, she is just a gone case. And I love her.

It's been a week of intense torture. My new boss is quite a kind person by heart coz she made me bring coffee thrice a day, she made me bring a surprise cake for her fiancee and now she is making me take her "pumpkin-pie" to a Vet. Oh, pumpkin-pie is actually a two and a half year old grey hound. Irony of my life!

And to add to my misery, I have to stay late to complete every data work given to me. Only a week and I look like a survivor of Zombie Apocalypse. Two weeks later, I am sure I would resemble a zombie jumped from a movie scene. But, even though everything happening right now kinda sucks, one good thing did happen. I might be going on a date. I might be going on a date with a guy who is perfect in every way. I might be going out with him this weekend. Keyword being "Might be".

"Come in!" The doctor piped up. I took a while to check out him. Brownish black hair falling in bangs over his forehead, mesmerising emerald eyes with a luscious, olive tanned skin. Tall and gorgeous! An Abercrombie model disguised as a vet! I mentally made a note to click his picture to show Lyn.

"Miss, what's his name?" He smiled at me showing cute dimples that made him all the more handsome rendering me speechless.

"Uh-huh, Selena." I was lost in my thoughts where I am practically having a steamy sex with the person in front of me.

"I asked the dog's name. Btw, nice to meet you Selena! I am Brooke."

"Brooke.... is a hot name. I mean you look. I mean well its too hot here." I bite my lip to stop embarrassing myself anymore.

And silence. More silence. Thirty minutes of continuous ogling him and his cute butt. Mr. Hot Shower Sex God turned towards me and spoke-

"Well, everything is fine. I gave him some flu shots." He grinned. Uh-huh! Battling with my inner horn housewife soul and single feminist soul, I decided to take a chance.

We stood there looking at each other in an awkward silence. Mr. Sex God cleared his throat. I realised he actually looked like he wants to say something and from spending 10 years in this dating field, I actually knew what's coming next.

Without thinking anything, I winked and whispered, "Yes." His facial expression suddenly changed to.... confused?

"You were going to ask me out, right?" I asked. Excellent! This is universally the most embarrassing situation ever. But, Jesus had told "Always take chances". Was it Jesus? I think so. Whatever.

He looked flushed. "Actually, I am a gay." Nooooooooooooo, I JUST DON'T GET IT. Why does things like this only happen to me? Now when I think, I should have known he was a gay I mean what kind of man ignores a sexy and hot girl like me. Well, lady.

The air of awkwardness was my cue to leave. So, I took Pumpkin-pie and collected my bags and walked forward towards the door biding him farewell. But before getting out of the door, I did something very stupid. Very very stupid.

"By any chance, Are you a bi? You know, the one who can date both boys and girls." Mr. Sex God bore a horrified expression. The answer was clear.

"Forget that I ever asked!" And I ran with a lightning speed. Dodging every humiliating feeling my brain was currently throwing at me, I reached the Car parking lot. I just wanted to jump off a cliff and end my life. But, then I remembered I had to fax an important document to Mr. Lydberg.

* * *

Checking my watch again, I headed towards the entrance of my apartment. I have had sex 8 times a day once yet I wasn't tired like now I am. As in cue, my stomach growled. Silently cursing, I looked for the lift. Ah, here it is. Just as the lift was about to close, somebody came running towards it.

"Stop! Stop! Stop Damnit!" Oh God, Seriously? And someone entered inside the lift. His face was hidden under a deep blue hood. Panting for breath, he lifted the hood and looked at me.

"Thanks for waiting!" He had big green eyes with incredibly gorgeous eye lashes. Too pale and..... too boyish. He had those "I am cute" look which undeniably suits his figure even. Not too masculine, and not too skinny. Overall, He was just cute, not more than 25 and just not for me.

Hot? Nah, cute.
Rich? I looked at his hooded shirt and cargo pants. Nuh - uh!
Single? I looked at his hand which has no sign of any rings. Nopes!
Calculated and Future insightful? How the hell will I know that!
Reserved and Intense? I looked at his grinning face. No.
Future Boyfriend Potential? Not at all.

"I didn't wait for you instead you made me late for no reason. I had an absolute important business to attend to." I rolled my eyes and looked at the blinking lights inside the elevator telling which floor we are. Important business! Yeah,asshole. I mean cuddling in bed is of utmost importance, a matter of life or death.

He still smiled and replied, "I'm sorry. Hey, I am Luke!" And just right then, my floor came. Without any second thought, I bolted out of the elevator. Phew! Now, all I need is pizza, a cup of wine and very long nap. Hopefully, that's possible coz problems have become my other name these days.

I get it! It sucks but Jesus told "Always take chances". Tbh, I seriously am not sure about it.

Anyway, Luuuuuukkeeee sounds cute. I mean if it was me, I would have jumped at the opportunity to talk to him.
*Clears throat* Well, I hope you like it. Feel free to vote, comment, praise, insult, blah blah. I am still gonna love youuuuuuu. *Singing Pillow Talk in the background*

That song turns me on! Ciao!

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